Jesus Really Sees You!

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There is a powerful story, nestled between two parables in Luke chapter 13. The story unfolds in four short verses. Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath. And there was a woman who had what Luke describes as a “spirit of infirmity.” She was bent over and for eighteen years could not straighten herself up. Luke goes on to describe a most amazing scene. He said, “When Jesus saw her He called her to Him.”  Notice … she didn’t call or reach out to Him. He called out to her. Jesus said, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity” and as Jesus laid His hands on her, she was immediately made straight. And then Luke says, “She glorified God.” 

Can you imagine being that woman? For 18 years she was bent over looking down at the ground. Oh the freedom she must have felt as she straightened up and was able to look into the face of Jesus, the One who healed her. I can imagine her raising her hands high toward the sky as she freely glorifies God. 

I love how Jesus singled out this woman. He saw her and went to her

Jesus sees you!  I mean, He really sees you. You are not just a number to Him. He knows your name. His thoughts about are you are many that they outnumber the grains of sand in the ocean. He sees you! He sees what has you bent over. He sees your pain. He knows why you hurt. He knows why you’ve carried shame for so many years. He knows why you struggle with trust. He sees what the pain of rejection has done to you. He understands the effects of abuse in your life. He sees you!

I have three children. They all are young adults now but when they were little and I needed to tell them something important I would always make sure I had their attention first.

My middle son, Jake was a little more challenging when it came to getting his attention so when I needed to tell Jake something important, I would call his name and get down on his level and with my hands I would gently but firmly take ahold of his cheeks and say something like this: “Jake, look at mommy.” Inevitably his eyes would start rolling from side to side, up and down. Anything to keep from making eye contact with me. But, not one to be outsmarted by a three year old, I persisted, continuing to hold his little cheeks, saying, “Jakey, look at mommy.” I need to tell you something really important. Finally, he would yield to me and look me in the eyes and I would start off my talk with something like, “Jake, Mommy loves you so much …”

Just as I did with my little Jake, calling his name and going to him, getting down on his level, gently taking his cheeks in my hands, Jesus is calling your name. He’s right there with you. And every time you hear truth spoken or He gives you fresh insight from His Word, it’s as though Jesus is taking your cheeks in His nail scarred hands and saying, “Precious daughter of mine, I love you so much …”  

His love is the foundation for our relationship with Him. When we feel loved by God, we are no longer like that woman who was bent over. When we truly embrace His love for us, the stage is set to heal anything that has us bent over. When we walk in His love and feel loved by God, shame and self-condemnation melts away. Despair is gone. Fear no longer has a stronghold on us. There’s no room for feelings of worthlessness.

It’s no coincidence that Paul’s prayer for believers in Ephesians 3:17 was that we would be rooted and grounded in God’s love, because the word “grounded” literally means foundation. Embracing God’s love for us is the foundation that empowers believers to receive healing and to walk in the abundant life He promises us. When we are grounded in His love … we are forever changed.


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Stephanie Shott
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