Tell Him About Jesus / Compassion International / by Jenny Sulpizio

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Most of us have enough knowledge and enough resources right now to change at least one person’s life. It’s not a matter of knowing there is a need. It’s a matter of caring enough to do something about it. Lisa Whittle

We watch them on the news. We hear about them on the radio. We’re aware of their plights taking place half-way around the world. We’ve been told of their suffering, their horrendous living conditions, and the struggles they face, but more often than not, we don’t offer assistance.

Many of us are holding on to the hope that others will become the difference…the change needed in those precious children’s lives. We pray someone else will step up and provide the financial assistance they so desperately desire.

But why not us?

Before I go any further I have to tell you that the purpose of this post isn’t to invoke guilt. My goal certainly isn’t to make you feel bad either. Not at all. Rather, it’s an appeal—a request for prayer and action. It’s looking at this ministry: Compassion International, seeing the beautiful faces in need of your help, and becoming the change they so desperately need in their lives.

Friends, you and I can become the hands and feet of Jesus to a sweet young soul who needs it the most. You and I can do so much good. Indeed, we can change the world by transforming the life of just one child.

You know, for so long I stayed silent. I did nothing,. I looked at these young people’s plights, and didn’t know how I’d make room in my already-tight budget. I didn’t pray about it either. I didn’t try. Instead, I put it in the back of my mind…I just figured someone else would step up and help out. Someone else could be that change,

But why not me?

Friends, we can do this. Each one of, regardless of how much we make, can be the difference. Each one of us can scour our monthly expenses and find room to support one (or more) of these children. For just a small amount of money, we can do so much good. So. Much.

Do me a favor? Click on that button to the right. Yep. The one that reads Compassion International. Read about their ministry, the children they help, the people they care for, and all the good they do in the name of Jesus. Pray about it. Ask the Lord to reveal ways in which you can help. Allow the Holy Spirit to convict you. And then? Take action.

Let’s start making a difference right now. 






2014 M.O.M. Conference ~ BETTER TOGETHER

July 31st – August 2nd,

Jacksonville, Florida at Trinity Baptist Church

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