A Father’s Legacy by Rob Teigen (and a BIG GIVEAWAY!)

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Today, we are honored to have Rob Teigen with us sharing about the legacy of a father! Rob has VERY GRACIOUSLY offered to give away 3 sets that include, A Dad’s Prayers for His Daughter, 88 Great Daddy Dates, and a box of Great Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters

So be sure to COMMENT for a chance to win one of 3 sets today! (Winner will be announced on Father’s Day)


A Father’s Legacy

by Rob Teigen


This year is only the second Father’s Day since my father passed away in 2012. I have found that holidays seem to bring memories of him to the surface. His booming voice, his appreciation of a tailored suit, his love of my mom’s cooking, and his big heart that couldn’t help but share with others. My dad wasn’t perfect but he did a lot of things right—things that I’d like to pass on to my own five children. I wish he were sitting with me today so I could pour us both a cup of coffee and express my thanks for all he did for me.

  1. My dad prayed for his family. He was faithful to lift up his four sons and twelve grandkids by name each morning in prayer. He would often say “I’m praying for you” and we all knew he meant it. I can only imagine the protection, blessings, and help that poured into our lives through his persistent prayers for his family. 
  2. My dad kept his wedding vows. He remained committed to my mom until the day he passed away.  My parents always joked with each other about who had to put up with the most grief in their 55 years together (I’m going to vote for my mom on that one!), but having parents determined to love and stay together for a  lifetime has been a priceless gift.  
  3. My dad made memories. His favorite times were when the entire family could be together. Vacations to the lake, picnics at the park, movies, games, mini-golf, family dinners crowded around the table—gathering us together in one place was the highlight of his days. It made me feel valuable and loved to know that time with us brought him so much joy. This legacy of celebrating life together has continued on in his son’s families. Each of us considers time with loved ones better than any entertainment the world can offer. 
  4. My dad was affectionate. He was loud and rough and always spoke his mind, but never failed to say “I love you” and give us a hug when we came home. When my wife Joanna first came to meet the family when we were dating, his loving, affectionate personality really caught her attention. She said she had never seen a home where dads and sons and brothers showed their love for each other so openly. I’d like to think that my dad’s warm heart helped to win her over to marrying me! I’m looking forward to seeing my dad again in heaven—I’m sure he has a bear hug waiting for each of us.  
  5. My dad believed in me. I could never count how many times he said “I’m proud of you!”  These are words every kids needs to hear from his dad, but they were extra meaningful to me during the years I struggled with dyslexia and teachers expected me to fail. When we moved around the country and I was so often the new kid at school, he made me believe I could face the changes and find my place. When I became a dad myself, he supported my parenting decisions and always looked for ways to express pride in his grandkids. He bragged on me to his friends about my work and applauded every success, big or small. Having a dad like him in my corner was a huge boost to my confidence. He taught me how to build up my own children as they grow and try new things.

My dad worked hard, adored his wife, spoiled his grandkids, and modeled generosity and faith. He has given me so much to remember and be grateful for this Father’s Day. I can’t take this for granted, since so many have experienced abandonment and hurt at their father’s hands. A weak or nonexistent relationship with a dad creates significant loss in a person’s life. Perhaps it can be healing—even for just one day—to reflect on any small things your father was able to give or do for you. 

Most of us feel inadequate as fathers no matter how committed we are or how much we strive to care for our families. Father’s Day is a great opportunity to affirm what we’re doing right—make a card, help your kids create a poster listing the ways they appreciate their dad, write it in frosting on a cake—so we know that our efforts make a difference! The gift of thanks may be the greatest Father’s Day gift your husband ever receives.


Don’t forget to COMMENT for a CHANCE to WIN one of 3 sets of these 3 great resources!

Great Conversation Starters for Dads & Daughter, A Dad’s Prayers for His Daughter, 88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates






IMG_0181Rob is the author of Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, Laugh-Out-Loud Animal Jokes for Kids, and Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids (under the pseudonym Rob Elliott).  He’s has been a publishing professional for more than Twenty years. Rob lives in West Michigan, where in his spare time he enjoys laughing out loud with his wife and five children.  You can find out more at www.strongerdads.com








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