How to Vacation with Kids (and have fun!)

How to Vacation with Kids (and Enjoy Yourself)

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How to Vacation with Kids (and have fun!)

It was right after our first vacation with kids that my husband and I decided to never again take a family vacation.

Hear me out, though.

We decided our vacations would be reserved for the two of us. Our trips would include our kids.

Because any parent knows that a trip with kids (especially young kids) is not a vacation.

It was a small thing (changing the name from vacation to trip), but it did wonders on our attitudes for future trips. Here’s why…it wasn’t just a name change…it was also an expectation change. And with those altered expectations came much more pleasant attitudes. 

How to Vacation (or should I say travel) With Kids and Have a Good Time:

1. Change your expectations.

That first trip with our son ended up being one big fight between my husband and I. We both expected the trip to be relaxing like trips had been before we had kids. But instead of relaxing on the beach and enjoying each day, we were exhausted from not sleeping well and chasing a toddler.

Since then, we have made a lot of changes when we travel.

Before we leave, we mentally prepare ourselves by reminding each other, “This trip is not about us. It’s about the kids. It’s about them having fun.”

It’s amazing how this one small change has improved our family trips. We no longer expect to relax on the beach and read the day away (that day will come again…just not yet). We no longer expect to cuddle and watch the sunset in peace and quiet.

That’s not our life now, and that’s okay. Someday we’ll be able to do those things again.

But for now (or at least on trips when the kids are with us), our days look much different.

2. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.

Traveling with kids is a lot of work, but preparation goes a long way.

Here are few things you might want to consider:

  1. Sleep. Does your child need a pack-n-play, special pillow, or blanket to sleep? Make sure you bring all necessary items to prevent nighttime meltdowns.
  2. Snacks. Skip the routine, and snack as needed when you travel. If your child snacks all day long (but is happy), it’s okay. I’d much rather have a happy child (who might not be eating healthy for one day in her life) than a crying child who is making you (and everyone else) miserable.
  3. Toys. Bring plenty of things to keep your child busy. Arm yourself with games and new and exciting toys to present throughout the trip. Don’t give them all to her at once. Instead, consider giving her a new toy every hour or every half hour.
  4. Baby Paraphernalia. Make sure you bring all the baby stuff you could possibly need: diapers, wipes, pack-n-play, stroller, car seat, toys, teething toys, diaper rash cream, swim diapers if you’re going to the beach, etc.
  5. Medicine. If your child is anything like mine, he will get sick at the most inopportune times. Bring plenty of medicine just in case. Also, make sure and pack the sunscreen if you’re going to be outdoors.

The more prepared you are, the better your trip will go. You might over-pack, but it would be much better to have something you don’t need than to not have something you need.

I’m happy to share that my family and I just returned from the “happiest place on earth.” And because my husband and I went into the trip with appropriate attitudes, we all had a really good time. This family trip, unlike our first one, was a success!

Let’s Talk: What other tips would you add to the list? 



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Lindsey Bell
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