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I almost felt sick. How could it be? I just cleaned out my kids’ closets and you NEVER would have known it. They were still full! I didn’t think I was guilty of spoiling my children. But it was clear, I have participated in… overindulgence!

Why do we (by we, I mean I)  have so much stuff? 

I filled at least five big garbage bags of old stuffed animals, unopened crafts, half done word puzzles, clothes(some still with price tags), and shoes. After doing my mission of closet reduction, I organized the things to be kept and returned each to its appropriate space.

I was feeling pretty good about completing my project. I love having things in a nice order. Then it hit me! The orderly closets weren’t as trim as I had expected- they were still full.

How could it be?

It’s the sickness of too much stuff. Affluenza.

How can parents (how can I)  inoculate themselves (myself) and their (my) kids from this disease? And…what can be done about this around the Christmas season? 

Here are a few ideas that I have come up with:

Organize. Take an inventory of things already purchased. Keep like items together so they are easily located. When something is needed,  shop at home first. (This always works great at the beginning  and middle of the school year with  school supplies. It is also helpful before Christmas shopping to avoid duplication.)

Say, “No.” Resist impulse purchases. Shop for what is only on the list. Any other items wanted can go on the “wish list”.

Acts of Service. Doing something for another is a great gift! Time is a highly valuable gift; one to be shared! One family I know sponsored a  family event rather than giving gifts. It was a huge hit!

Create. My cousins exchange names at Christmas and then make a gift for that person. 

Pray. Ask God for abundance in terms of love, grace, peace, and mercy. These are the most beautiful things to possess.

The desire for more stuff just feeds on itself, don’t you think? But…we can never get or give too much love, grace, peace, and mercy. This is ultimately what satisfies. I pray the chambers of my heart and my kids’ hearts will be filled to an abundant overflowing with these qualities.

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

Jude 2

What ideas can you share that prevent overindulgence?


Lori Wildenberg

Lori Wildenberg
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