Why You Should Get Involved In Your Kids Ministry

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Kids Ministry 2013-03-30 16.55.50


When we, as parents, partner with our local churches we can make an even bigger impact in the spiritual lives of our kids. No, I’m not just saying that because I work in Kids Ministry but because I have stood on the front lines every Sunday for the last ten years watching families come in and out of the church and miss the connecting piece between church and home.

Can I speak the truth in love for a minute? Families want us, as the church, to teach their kids about God, His love, His grace, His mercy and His sacrifice for us…and we love that, believe me we do, but the reality is that we only have your kids for about an hour a week. You have them the rest of the week, which is the other 167 hours in a week. You, as their mom, have the most potential to impact their spiritual lives, so what are you going to do with those 167 hours this week? 

I have a few ideas and it is my hope that they get all of us thinking about being more strategic with those hours, but the biggest one I would love to tell you about is getting involved in your kids ministry. Now, you can take that in one of three ways, any of the three options could be a win for your family. Take some time to read through these, then pray about which one might be a good one for you.

First, you could look at this very literally and actually step up to serve in your Kids Ministry at your local church. I am fairly positive that if you walked up to your Kids Ministry Director (Pastor/Leader, etc) today and told them that you were interested in serving, that they would welcome you with open arms. In all my years I have never heard of a Kids Ministry that couldn’t use a few extra hands. Why should you do this? 

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 NLT 

We are all called to serve and maybe the Kids Ministry might not be your first choice in places to serve at your church, but it might give you some insights on how to talk to your kids more about spiritual things. You will be learning what they learn right alongside them as well as serving beside other moms/dads that might have some tips, tricks and advice to help you as you learn to talk to your kids more about what they are learning. 

What does serving in the Kids Ministry look like?

  • In a classroom – with kids anywhere from babies up to fifth grade (or higher depending on your church and desire to stay connected)

  • During the week – curriculum preparation, copies, craft supplies, shopping, etc.

  • Tech support – most Kids Ministries today have lots more techy type items, but not a lot of techy type people, if you are a tech person, you could be a really huge asset to the Kids Ministry team

  • Snack fairy – making sure there are plenty of snacks for the kids every weekend, making purchases, delivering to classrooms, etc. (this person is one of my favorites, she has no idea how much this helps me and our ministry) 

Second, you could look at this as a call to action for your family. Chances are your kids come home every Sunday with some papers from their time in Kids Ministry. How many times do you actually read through those with the kids? I’m not pointing fingers or asking in a spirit of judgement, but in a spirit of honesty. I’m a mom, I know you gets tons of papers every day from your kids, but what if Sunday’s papers were the most important ones. 

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. 1 John 3:18 NLT 

The one hour we get (as the church) with your child is just the very tippy top of the iceberg. There is so much more to that iceberg than just what they get on top while they are in the Kids Ministry at your church. What if getting involved in your kids ministry looked like taking those building blocks of information your child gets every weekend and stacking them up with more at home. 

What does that look like?

  • Memorizing the verse the kids are memorizing at church with them.

  • Making sure Sunday’s are a non-negotiable in your family, you make church a part of your family dna.

  • Reading through the handouts the kids bring home with them, talk about what they talked about in church that day, follow up with further discussion as a family. 

Third, maybe your kids are a little older and already out of the Kids Ministry at church. Maybe they are starting to figure out what their gifts and skills are and how they can use them in the local church. This is a perfect time to talk to your kids about serving. Guide them to places they can serve, maybe in ways that aren’t as obvious as in the Kids Ministry or parking team. Then let them give it a try. Talk to them about what it feels like to serve. Whatever they decide to do make sure they know that you are excited for them. I have loved watching both of my boys grow into young men that serve in the local church. They’ve been serving since they were elementary age and what they do to serve in the local church has changed many times since then, but there’s nothing more exciting than to watch them grow into godly young men who love and serve in their church and community. 

Whatever season your kids are in right now, it is never too early or too late to get involved in your kids ministry. It changes as your children grow but it an incredible blessing to be a part of such an amazing adventure with them.


What about you…

Which of the three ways to get involved in your kids ministry is tugging on your heart today?

What’s one step that you can take today to get more involved?


Seeking JOY on the Journey,

Melissa Mashburn

Stephanie Shott
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