How to Enjoy Weekends…

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“MOOOOMMMMYYYYYYY!” his voice echoed down the hall.

My eyes flew open and quickly snapped shut as the early morning sunlight met my retinas. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. Squinting I barely made out the time. 6:15 AM. I closed my eyes and rolled over…UGH…Doesn’t he know it is Saturday the one morning a week we can sleep in?

weekend Collage



For over ten years now my weekends have not been my own. Little people wake up at hours I never planned on seeing daylight, they need food, and help with diapers or toilets…and when they are no longer “little” they have events on the weekends. Thus I must shower and look presentable…and sometimes just thinking about another weekend wears me out…

And I miss the moments I need to savor. The moments that slip-by too quickly. When my little boy wants to give me all his cuddles. And little girls want to hold my hand and play with unicorns…

The years fly by faster than the days…and I lose the years while I wish away the days. Soon there will be no little voices calling down the hall and legs will grow long and they will be gone…

How do I live now, when the days drag on and I long to sleep-in on a Saturday morning?

It starts with giving thanks to God.

Thanking Him for healthy children, a new day, a warm bed, food to eat, activities to do, the sun, air to breathe, a place to live, cooler weather…for chubby hands, kissable cheeks, morning hugs…for having plans for me, for using hard things for my good, for giving awe-inspiring grace, for  daily bread…enough for today

And then the miracle happens…my eyes move away from me to my God. Some heaviness may remain, but I see my life through eternal eyes…Eyes that know God has good plans for me and He is able to do more than I could imagine…

And from that perspective I know…I would never trade this weekend away…


What helps you make it through a busy weekend when all you want to do is sleep in?

by Angela Mackey

Stephanie Shott
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