Motherhood: A Small Thing?

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TMIquoterWe all want our lives to matter, to believe that we are a part of God’s plan to change the world for His glory.

How often has the prayer, “What do you want me to do for you God?” sprinkled through our thoughts and lofted over our lips as we seek Him.

Yes, we all have the right heart to seek His will when we utter that simple query, but do we have the right mindset in what He may already be asking of us. Are we missing the obvious by seeking the spectacular?

The volunteer position at church, the sacrificial mission trip, the study we should lead, or even write, the ministry we are to create – those far reaching, self sacrificing “epic” events we wait to hear directives from in our beseeching.

In all that straining to listen and hear from God, do we miss the daily ministry He has entrusted to us that in it’s ordinariness seems insignificant?

A dear young mom recently shared that she struggles with the fact that she went from ministering to hundreds each year serving at a Christian Camp, to ministering to dozens in a classroom as a teacher, to now being “just a mom” and having just that one small thing.

She admitted it didn’t seem enough. Yet she was wrestling with the fact that she knew it was of high value, but seemed like such a small thing.

Her child…one child…seems like such a small thing.

Dear sweet moms…the “small thing” that is your child, entrusted to you by your Father in Heaven is truly a great, big monumental thing.

You must see motherhood as such.

You must flee from the tyranny of the “epic task” seeking, and rest in the knowledge that the little one you are raising for God’s glory is the primary “epic task” He designed you, and only you, to accomplish.

As a mom, you must push back the lie that being a mom is a diversion from God’s great task He has for you and realize that to “be the mom” to your beloved child carries with it life long implications for that little one…and for you.

In giving of self daily, to your child, it requires a filling of self with the servant mindset of Christ.

That is no small thing.

Moment by moment.

Day by day.

Giving of self to another through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The more time you spend in selfless investing in the next generation, the more you reveal the truth of Christ to this generation.

You are building legacy – Christ’s legacy.

And that is a big thing.

A very big thing.

Stephanie Shott
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