Memorial Day Moments with Kids

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memorial day moments with kidsAs the proud daughter of a U.S. Marine, my love of our country is part of my genetic makeup. Yep, that’s me over there. Dad thought it made perfect sense to stuff my little self into his helmet. His patriotism rubbed off.

Play the national anthem and I sing at the top of my lungs, see a mother with a “My son is a Marine/Soldier/Sailor ” bumper sticker on her car or a person out and about in uniform and I walk up and thank them.

Yeah, I’m that lady.

My husband is the same way. Just last week I talked my husband into stopping by my favorite barbecue restaurant and as I picked out my seat I saw my husband in line talking to a  young Marine who had walked up behind him.

When Paul brought our food over to our table I said, “You bought him lunch, didn’t you?” He just smiled.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12

As a mother, I have the ability to teach my child the reasons why I am grateful and feel blessed to be an American. On Memorial Day it’s the perfect time to express our appreciation for those who have fought for and served our country.

When my daughter Grace brought home her essay from school:

“What Does A Veteran Mean To Me?” my heart melted.

It’s just as fitting to read on Memorial Day.


Grace veteran Paper 2010


What does a veteran mean to me?
It means someone who loves their country enough they go away from their family,
their home,
and their loved ones.
Someone who risks their life for you and me.
Someone who goes halfway around the world to fight for your mom, your dad,
your brothers and sisters, grandma and grandpa,
your friends and teachers,
and even your enemies.
Someone that loves. That is what a veteran means to me. Love
By, Grace Kraft
This Memorial Day amidst our picnics and family barbecues, push aside the potato salad and barbecue ribs to stop and be intentional with your children.
  • Talk to your son or daughter about why you fly your flag and remind them of those who have paid the ultimate price.
  • Explain what it means to serve and how sacrifice and serving are the two attributes of LOVE. The same love Jesus showed us.
  • Lead your little one in a prayer of thanks for our military both past and present. Remember to include the families who are sacrificing their absence as well.
So, from our family to all who are serving, all who have sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, cousins and friends in the armed forces we say thank you from the bottom of our grateful American hearts.
Joanne sitting red shirtHdsht-166Joanne Kraft is a busy mom and the author of Just Too Busy—Taking Your Family on a Radical Sabbatical. She has a passion for igniting hearts for Jesus—especially moms. Joanne has been a single mom, a divorced mom, a full time working mom and a stay at home mom. She understands the heart of a mom.
Sign up for her monthly newsletter – The Busy Mom Bulletin
Download a Free Leader’s guide for her book Just Too Busy here.



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Stephanie Shott
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