Slow… Children at Play

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slow-children-sign-300x225-1Slow…children at play. Best. Sign. Ever.

May is winding down. (Yahoo! Craziest month next to December-don’t you think?) Summer is rounding the corner. Yes! I want to hurry up and get through May so I can slow down.

Moms, summer  is the only season that is just  a little less structured than the rest of the school year. Here are some fun slow going activities you can do with your kids over the summer.

1.Go to the Library. Yes, actually physically go. Look at the books, pick out a few, some for the kids to read alone, some to read together, and a book for yourself.

2. Take you kids to a pond or lake. Skip some rocks, drop in a fishing line, splash in the water.

3. Have a squirt gun or water balloon fight. (You may want to wear a bathing suit for this activity!)

4. Set up a lemonade stand. 

5. Play flashlight tag, kick the can, or capture the flag. Include the neighbor kids. These games are almost a thing of the past. Let’s bring ’em back!

6. Do a puzzle, play a board game.

7. Bike to the park then have  a picnic.

8. Play four square or kick ball.

9. Get some sidewalk chalk and create!

10. Lie on the ground and look at the clouds. Describe the images you see.

Show your kids how to dial it back. Set aside your own to-dos. Enjoy the warmth, the sunshine, and… your kids.

Slow Down…children are playing.

What slow summer activities do you do with your kids?

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with sounds of joy.
Psalm 126:2

Lori Wildenberg



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Lori Wildenberg
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