You are the Masterpiece

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4195+ajuQ3L._AA160_Morning mamas. This Sunday is our last session of chatting about No More Perfect Moms by Jill Savage. Check out her video before we move on to the chatter:

By now we’ve discovered unrealistic expectations sets us up for stress, feelings of frustration, failure and not being able to enjoy our children. What freedom we have in knowing that God is perfect and we are his masterpieces. Did you know each frustration and joyous moment you encounter, God is molding you into the image of Jesus? What would happen if we let our REAL selves be what other moms saw? This includes our real kitchens, messes and our thoughts? How could God reflect his glory through that?

I’ll be honest, I recently went through some very rough circumstances in which I had high expectations of myself. I didn’t rely on my team and I wasn’t open about what I was struggling with. Ultimately it was my downfall. While I was left to pick up the pieces, I put them in God’s lap—asking him to fix it.

Even though I’m barely on the other side of this moment, I already see how God is redeeming this mistake of trying to attain perfection. He’s placed women in my life to pray for me, to be real with me, to help me learn to accept myself as I am. He’s taught me that flawed is best. Flawed means he can work through my imperfections.

So, now that I’ve shared a few of my imperfections, where can you let go? Are you willing to put the pieces of your life into his lap and let him create the masterpiece?

Dig Deep

1) Which of these perfect traits of God are you most familiar with: love,

strength, identity, hope, truth, or redemption?

2) Which of these perfect traits of God are you least familiar with: love, strength, identity, hope,

truth, or redemption?

3) Share your story with the group by answering these questions:

a. Where did you grow up?

b. Do you have siblings? Older or younger?

c. If you’re married, how did you meet your husband?

d. How has God been a part of your life?

4) What is one thing you highlighted/noted as you read this chapter? Why did it strike you as



Apply (choose one or all)

Look through Appendix A and identify one or more truths that you want to memorize about your identity in Christ. Write those verses on your phone or an index card you can carry with you. Read them everyday aloud every day this week. Ask God to impress them on your heart.

Look through Appendix B and find a verse that addresses what you are feeling right now. Write that verse on an index card or somewhere where you can see it this week. If you said “yes” to God for the very first time while you were reading this chapter, email Jill and let her know. You can email her at


Father God, there is nothing that you cannot handle in our imperfect lives. You are love, strength, hope, and truth. This world does not define us. You define us. You can take the broken parts of our lives and redeem them for your purposes. Help us to live in your grace and love and to extend your grace and love to those around us. May we stop striving for perfection, but rather allow you to refine us to become more like you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Stephanie Shott
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