I’m not a homeschooling, lipstick wearing, organic mama (no more perfect moms)

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imagesYou have to take a moment to stop and watch the video for this week’s devotional, its FABULOUS. I don’t think I’ve been more understood than when I watched the video and realized we as moms wear SO many hats.

 Click on link here: http://youtu.be/2YllS4JwLi0

As a mom, understanding how YOU function, what your preferences are and what your expectations are helps you discover your best Mommy M.O.

How often have you had a set of expectations about your day, only to fall flat on your face within the first hour of waking? I’ve been there. I’ve done that and I’ve learned to let go. Its HARD, believe me. In my earlier years of motherhood, I wanted to do everything for my kids.

My plan was to: Awaken early, have my hair done, lipstick on, devotions completed while organic pancakes cooked on the griddle. Then my sweet kids would arise, kiss me and be so thankful for their mama before moving on to home school lessons for the day. We would laugh, grow close and learn.

REALITY CHECK: I do manage to get my Jesus time in, but I’m wearing workout gear rushing kids to middle school, pre-school and kindergarten. I still love my children and we are still learning the mom/child dance of life. It may be a far cry from my expectations but I’ve found the freedom to be ME which means, my kids are happier and more content.

Sometimes we have to let go of these far fetched expecations, toss a few hats (a.k.a. roles, obligations) to cultivate the mama God created you to be. Its so hard to let lost in the shoulds, oughts, and wants. 🙂

Dig Deep

1) Which best describes you:
a. A type-A get-it-done-mom who likes her ducks in a row?
b. A creative, spontaneous who enjoys flexibility?
2) How flexible are you? Can you “roll with the punches” or do you more often find yourself
frustrated when plans change?
3) Would you label yourself as a “distracted mom?” Why or why not?
4) Do you have enough margin in your life to have the pace and space to allow real life to happen?
5) What is one thing you highlighted/noted as you read this chapter? Why did it strike you as

Apply (choose one or all)

1) Can you share a time when you “expected the unexpected?” Brainstorm some practical ways
you can prepare for the unexpected?
2) Choose one of the “margin minders” on pages 136-138 that you need to implement in order to
keep “white space” in your life.
3) Select one antidote on pages 140-143 you will apply this week. Brainstorm some practical ways
you can apply the antidote this week in order to embrace your imperfect days.


Father God, help us to see that motherhood is the “ministry of interruption.” Show us how to recognize
the opportunities to love on whoever is standing in front of us. Help us to let go of control and to trust
you more each day. Help us to embrace “what is” and let go of “what is not.” May we find joy in both the
planned and unplanned moments of life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Stephanie Shott
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