My Marriage Isn’t Perfect (no more perfect moms)

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Hey mamas! So glad you’re back this week for No More Perfect Moms! Today we are on Chapter 5 and guess what its about ladies….MARRIAGE.

Now some of you will smile when you see that word, while others cringe.

Marriage to some is smooth sailing, while for others, its a boxing match. Mine, tends to be somewhere in the middle and while I enjoy smooth sailing  I’m also thankful for the boxing moments. When Chris and I hit a rough patch, it grows us. We learn something new about each other while climbing over a mountain (if not two or three). Several years ago, one such mountain was a bit more strenuous of a climb than I had anticipated because I was too busy comparing how my marriage to someone elses. I had forgotten several important details like: 

WE ARE DIFFERENT. Compared to this other couple who seemingly had a perfect marriage, I forgot about:


  • Our backgrounds
  • Personalities
  • Walk with God
  • How we were raised
  • Snarkiness (Yes, you have snark!)

After being miserable for nearly a week because I opted for the silent treatment, God revealed the importance of filtering my marriage through God’s eyes. I realized I had created unrealistic expectations and set us up to fail. I despise the comparison game and am surprised how easy it is to compare. 


Check out this video here of Jill’s take on Marriage before we move on:

What did you resignate most with in that video? All to often I think we tend to begin comparing the insides our marriage to what we see on the outside of someone elses. We build high expectations fo marriage and when life happens, we become unsatisfied……………………………


Dig Deep

1) What is one takeaway from this chapter you’re still thinking about?
2) What are some of the issues you and your spouse have had to work through in blending your
families of origin?
3) What expectations do you need to change when it comes to your marriage or your husband?
4) Could you be found guilty of “emasculating” your husband like the author discusses on page 95?
Can you share a time when you’ve done that but didn’t recognize it as such and now you see it
5) What is one thing you highlighted/noted as you read? Why did it strike you as important?
Identify one Antidote practical strategy shared on pages 100-105 that you will put into practice this
Write your husband a love letter. Tell him what you love about him. Affirm him. Tell him what he does


Lord, thank you for our husbands. We confess that too often we see what they do wrong rather than
what they do right. Help us to allow our husbands to be different than us. Remove the pride in our heart
that says that our ways are the right ways. Allow us to respond in “unhumanable” ways even when we
want to respond otherwise. Help us to love like you do. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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Stephanie Shott
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