A Mother’s Heart…10 Encouragements for a Better New Year

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Encouragement New Year 3
Did you make any resolutions? Have you already given up on carrying them out? We all need encouragement at one time or other but especially at the onset of a new year.

Here are ten encouragements to inspire you to get a good grip on making improvements in your life this year. You already know these, but if you do them, all your other resolutions should fall into place.

Here we go…

1) Gather up all the negative events of the year now closing: its sins, weaknesses, and failures; its heartaches and griefs. All that filled your year.

2) Lay them at the foot of the Throne. Turn your back on them and leave them all there.

3) Stand bravely at the threshold of this New Year and expect to see it filled with amazing surprises and God’s promises.

4) Walk through the portal of the New Year unburdened, forgiven, and free.

5) Walk arm in arm with your Beloved Lord into the unknown of each new day.

6) Walk wherever the light of His love and protection guide you.

7) Spend time each day leaning upon the breast of your Beloved.

8) Share with Him all your heart’s desires and disappointments, all your joys and hurts, and He will share with you all His love, guidance, comfort, and peace.

9) “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (Prov. 4:23 NLT) Guard against any influence that threatens to come between you and the Lord.

10) “Be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Eph. 3:19 NIV)

*And one extra: Crave the Lord’s will and to be obedient to it.

**And most importantly: Praise the Lord no matter what! “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess. 5:18 NLT)

May the Lord’s shadow of forgiveness conceal the disappointments and troubles of the year behind you, while His light is cast as a beacon of guidance to His safe haven of the days yet to be explored. May His hand be against your enemy and His peace reign all your days.

May His servants Goodness and Mercy pursue you throughout the New Year.

From one mother’s heart to another…



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Lynn Mosher
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