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Overwhelmed_3D_ClearTHIS IS THE WEEK! We’ve got some GREAT STUFF going on at The M.O.M. Initiative! Starting today…Get OVERWHELMED ~ 31 STORIES FROM M.O.M. FREE! It’s our gift to you!

SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT or LINK UP to win one of today’s great giveaway

  • Prayers of My Heart prayer journal by Debbie Taylor Williams, so moms can start the year off journaling their prayers for their kids. AND
  • The Christian Mama’s Guide to Having a Baby by Erin MacPherson
And don’t forget to SIGN UP to begin a M.O.M. Initiative Mentor Group in your area!


Now, here’s today’s post by Tara Dovenbarger


Six legs dashed across the rust-colored lawn as cheerful voices rang through the fall air. Each boy paused briefly before hiking himself over the wooden fence that encircled the drowsy farm animals. Plopping down on the other side, each youngster shot out with open arms towards a different animal standing wide-eyed in shock nearby.

This was it! Time to enjoy all the farm life had to offer. Out of the rush of the city, surrounded by all these peaceful animals!  It was time for fun!

Little did they know what real danger they jumped into. 


There was a four-year-old boy, however, still standing on the safe, opposite side of the fence.  Fear was painted across his face for the other boys because he did know the danger.  He lived here and had personally felt the stinging pain these other boys were ignorant of.  One unforeseen, painful blow by the stealthy strike of the innocent looking rooster is not easily forgotten.


Proverbs 22:3 tells us, “The prudent see danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.”  What danger is Satan drawing our families into while we relax, unaware?  Here are twelve subtle tactics used by the enemy to acquire victory in our family’s lives; he wants to:

  • Keep us busy with non-essentials.
  • Tempt us to overspend and go into debt.
  • Make us work long hours to maintain empty lifestyles.
  • Discourage us from spending family time, for when homes disintegrate there’s no refuge from work.
  • Over stimulate our minds with TV and computers so that we can’t hear God speaking to us.
  • Fill our coffee tables and nightstands with newspapers and magazines (Face-book)  so we have no time for Bible reading.
  • Flood our mailboxes with sweepstakes, promotions and get-rich-schemes; keep us chasing material things.
  • Put glamorous models on TV, magazine covers, and billboards to keep us focused on outward appearances; that way we will be dissatisfied with ourselves and our mates.
  • Make sure couples are too exhausted for physical intimacy; that way we will be tempted to look elsewhere.
  • Emphasize Santa and the Easter bunny; that way we will divert them from the real meaning of the holidays.
  • Involve our families in “good” causes so we won’t have time for “eternal” ones.
  • Make us self-sufficient.  Satan wants us so busy working in our own strength that we will never know the joy of God’s power working through us. *


We don’t have to be like the little boy on the outside of the fence who knew the sting through painful experience, or the ignorant children about to learn.  God’s word is our guide that opens our eyes up to the danger and provides us with safe, loving boundaries that protect us from needless pain born from sin.  Through the knowledge of God’s word we can know the dangers of this world and teach our children the same.

Psalm 119:105   Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.

2 Peter 1:2-3    Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Mom, are you guided by God’s word each day? Are you teaching your children or grandchildren about the hidden pain in sin?



*12 tactics  adapted from: Bob Gass, The Word forYou Today, September/October/November 2010 (Alphareta, GA: Bob Gass Ministries),21. As read in: Dr. David Jeremiah,  I Never Thought I’d See the Day! (New York:FaithWords,2011), 56-57.

Now it’s time to LINK UP & join the fun, meet new friends & make your message more available to others!

(Oh…and don’t forget to grab our button and share the love! :-) )


Stephanie Shott
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