A New Year’s Resolution Tool for Kids

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When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, most of us can show our kids how to start well and fizzle out. Thankfully, we’ve seen how important it is to start this year by Remembering What Went Right. If we look ahead and aim for nothing, we’ll hit it every time.  Goal setting is a skill to be learned.

January invites moms to teach their children how to reflect on the past year and smile at the future with some thoughtful planning. You can use a simple pattern to guide your child through basic reflection and goal setting for their new year. Even with a toddler, begin with prayer, showing your child how to invite God to show you what you need to see and to help you know what He wants for you.

Here are 5 simple questions and an illustrated tool to guide the discussion with your child. These questions can “grow” through the years to match the level of your child’s maturity and development.

Use the graphic at the end as a coloring page for younger children (print in black & white), or use it as a writing template for older kids. Either way, write down key words in their answers by each number, and display the graphic in their personal space to serve as a reminder.  Review it throughout the year to help reinforce follow through, prayer, perseverance, faithfulness, humility, purpose, and accountability.

5 Questions for a Child’s New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Where did I go this year? Reflect on how you spent your time, what was important to you, any victories won, challenges faced, and any lessons learned. This might mean learning going to camp, playing on a team, beginning to babysit, or earning a Bible memory award. Every child is different, so celebrate the path they traveled.
  2. How did I grow this year? My body? My mind? My heart? My friends? This might be measured in inches, but it could also mean leaving Pull ups behind, conquering a fear of sleep overs, reading a first novel series, keeping a prayer journal, or reaching out to a new neighbor. Your child may be surprised at how they grew! (Four trees are labeled for you on the graphic tool.)
  3. What new thing did I learn about God this year? Each part of the journey gives new insight into who God is and who He is to us. Did you learn that He is true, comforting, guiding, or holy? Maybe you learned how He answers prayer.
  4. What new “place” would I like to go? Your child may really want to take up a new instrument, learn to ride a bike, or get a “grown up” Bible. January is a great time to do some dreaming together.
  5. What is one new step I could take? You’re setting patterns for future resolution making, so aim for goals that are measurable. Want to be a better reader? Decide on one title of a new book to read and choose an end by date, then you can measure if you succeed!  A wise man once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Most importantly, “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed” (Proverbs 16:3 – NLT). To help you approach new year’s resolutions in a child-friendly way, use this graphic organizer with the kids in your life and you’ll both be able to smile at the road ahead.

New Year Resolution Tool for Kids JPG

Click here to download the free printable New Year’s Resolution Tool for Kids.

Let’s Cast Vision for our kids and their futures, and let’s teach them how to take a step on that path this year!

Julie Sanders