Getting It Together + & The TMI Monday Link Up!

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556491_407604185968728_1736217259_nKayse Pratt is a wife, mommy, and writer whose brand new eBook Getting It Together: Your Guide to Setting Up a Home Management System That Works releases on Monday, December 31.

I’m delighted to talk with Kayse about how we can set realistic home management goals for the new year–without getting overwhelmed!

How can we start the new year with reasonable get-myself-organized goals?

Kayse:  For me, having a system is key: a central place for all of my home management stuff! My goals themselves have to be organized: project lists, cleaning schedules, etc.

I think it’s important to start small, creating manageable goals that are actually attainable. Nothing’s more discouraging than setting huge lofty goals that you can’t possibly reach. Remember, every step toward organization makes a difference! Creating a simple cleaning schedule, having a central calendar for the family, finally creating that paperwork file you’ve been meaning to get to – each step is an important one!

Get-myself-organized goals can break the bank — How can we be frugal and still be well equipped with the right tools and systems?

Kayse:  Right now, I’m a stay-at-home-mom and my husband is in grad school full-time. We understand frugal! As far as organizational printables go, I’ve created most of my materials myself. For organizing gear, like tubs and boxes and files and systems, I really do love the dollar store! You’d be surprised at how many cute baskets and containers you can find there. A little spray paint or scrapbook paper, and they’re even cuter than full-price ones! Pinterest has some great ideas to make cheap things super cute.

Some get-myself-orgnaized goals discourage us by Day 3. How do we create goals that are sustainable?

Kayse: We’ve GOT to be real with ourselves. Creating small, realistic goals is so important. One load of laundry a day, sticking with meal planning for one week, trying to schedule one week’s worth of blog posts ahead of time – setting small goals and sticking with them is much more effective than the crazy dream goals we have. And when we set small goals we can stick with, we are then able to keep growing in our goals, knowing there are things we’ve already conquered!

What’s your top tip for trying to start the year more organized?

Kayse:  Start now! Set 2-3 small goals and stick with them this week! Next week, look at how you did and revamp it if you need to. Give yourself some grace and remember that perfect isn’t real.

What are some common mistakes we make when trying to “finally” get “all” organized?

Kayse:  Thinking that we can finally get it all organized. 🙂 There’s always something else to do, am I right? I think what we’re going for is peaceful living – keeping a home that is both functional and welcoming, despite the daily messes that are impossible to avoid.

What are some little things in organization / home management that can make a BIG difference?

Kayse:  Many of us need good systems. That’s why my home management notebook works so well for me. I have everything in one place, and a system set up for each area. Blogging calendars, cleaning schedules, meal planning lists, info for the kids and babysitters, it’s all there. Simply having a notebook with all of my important information in one place is crucial for me, and such a huge help!

How do we teach our children basic organization skills and personal management skills…etc.?

GIT_3D_Paperback_FinalKayse:  I’ve been blessed with a toddler who is way cleaner than I am. She impresses me. 🙂 But we’re still trying to impart good organizing habits to her. We work on picking up toys before naptime and bedtime, and teaching her that everything has a place.

She helps me fold simple laundry, and brushes her own teeth while I brush mine (I brush hers again afterwards, of course!). It’s important for our kiddos that we model the behavior we want them to imitate. This is always my biggest challenge, and greatest motivation!

You can connect with Kayse at her blog, on Facebook, on Twitter, or at her etsy shop, where she creates custom home management printables.

To check out Kayse’s new home management eBook, just click on the image above!


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Stephanie Shott
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