Practical Mom Tips for the Evening Hours

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I’ve been hearing great feedback over my posts. Moms love the encouragement, wisdom, and devotions But some of you have caught my eye. Yes, I’m talking to you, the stressed out, frazzled, sleep deprived, slightly crabby mom. Trust me, I’ve been there and here’s a hug and some practical supper time tips to help de-stress your life a little bit.

  • Create a Menu.

It doesn’t have to be fancy. Mine goes Sunday through Saturday: Chicken bake, Spaghetti, Tatortot casserole. Creating a menu gives you more time to focus on your kids. Plus they can even help cook if needed. And it will actually save you money on your grocery bills.

  • Save privileges for the cooking hours. 

My son only gets to play the Wii when I’m prepping supper. This eliminates the whining in the kitchen, lets me relax while I cook, and let’s them do something they want to do.

  • Arrange a meal swap. 

I love friends who can cook, mainly because all of their meals taste SO much better than mine. Gather a group of friends and exchange freezer meals once a month. Each of you cooks one recipe and multiples the batches by how many are in your swap. Then arrange to swap meals, so you get a meal from each friend and they get yours. Viola! You have an emergency meal and one less thing to think about.

  • Throw some worship music on while your cooking. 

Music heavily influences our moods. If you are wanting your evening to end a little lighter, try popping a cd of your favorite worship songs. It helps relax my spirit and calms my kids.

Finally, pray often that Jesus is with you, especially when you are tired. He is there to give you the strength to get through another night.

 By Heather Riggleman 

Stephanie Shott
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