10 Scripture Memory Tips

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Have you’ve ever wanted to memorize Scripture but didn’t think you had the time? Have you ever wished you could come up with an easy way to help your kids memorize Scripture. Memorizing the Word doesn’t have to be hard.

Using the ideas below, you and your family can make Scripture memory fun as hide God’s Word in your hearts together!

1. Take your weekly memory verse with you wherever you go.  Review it at every stoplight.

You’ll be surprised how much you retain! If the family is in the car together, take turns saying your memory verse at each stop sign.

2. Tape your memory verse card to your bathroom mirror and review it while you’re getting ready. Be sure to put the verse in your kid’s bathroom too.

3. Put your memory verse on the back of your cereal box and study it while you are eating breakfast or having a nighttime snack.

4. Choose a family member or friend who may need encouragement and ask them if you can practice saying your memory verse out loud to them. You’ll be amazed at the power of God’s Word to encourage them! It will also teach your children to encourage others with the Word and they’ll be memorizing it in the process.

5. Write your memory verse on a 3×5 card and repeat it three times out loud. Have your children do it too.

6. Make your memory verse the new lyrics of one of your favorite songs or make up your own tune. Then sing it over and over again by yourself or with your children.

7.  If the verse is long or you’re memorizing more than one verse, spend Monday through Wednesday learning the first half of your memory verse and the rest of the week learning the last part.

8. Write your memory verse on a 3×5 card and tape it by your kitchen sink. Study it while you’re doing the dishes. Great way to get your children’s minds off of doing the dishes and on the Word when it’s their turn.

9. At dinnertime, write your verse on a 3×5 card and pass it around the table once. Have each person read it out loud. Then go around the table and see who can say it without looking at the card. Everyone will bememorizing God’s Word!

10. Set goals to memorize complete chapters, such as Romans 8, Psalms 139, ect…

Choose 2 or 3 verses a week until you have the entire chapter memorized.

Use some of the above tips to help you along the way. You and your children will be amazed at just how much Scripture you know!

What are some other ways you can help your children memorize Scripture?

By: Stephanie Shott


Stephanie Shott
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