A Mentor’s Role

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Mentors, sometimes intentionally – often unknowingly, plant seeds of wisdom in the hearts of others. They teach with their lives. They are natural nurturers. Their very existence causes us to consider our own existence and to ponder the path of our feet.

Mentors are heart shapers and life changers – not necessarily because they walk through a book with someone for a few weeks, but because they walk through life with someone for a season.

In a world where young women desperately need to experience Titus 2 in real life, mentors are often hard to find. Perhaps not because women are unwilling, but maybe because many feel unworthy, unqualified, unprepared and are just afraid to put themselves out there. Many shy away from the obvious maternal mandate because they lack the tools, the time or the support to feel like they can effectively mentor others.

In the grander scheme of things, we’re all mentors – and we’re all mentees. We’re all in a place where we are either influencing someone else or someone else is influencing us.

But what does it really take to be a Titus 2 type of mentor? 

  • Mentors love God out loud. Their lives leave a fragrant aroma that gives evidence of their heart for God.
  • Mentors lend their experience. The experiences they have walked through become a treasure trove of tools that mentor the heart of others.
  • Mentors love others. They nurture those in need, they strengthen the weak, they uphold the weary and they love the unloveable. Their lover beckons them to want the best for others and to do what they can to help them in their journey.
What does a mentor do, anyway?
  • Mentors make themselves available. Often on the lookout for how they can pour some seed of encouragement into others and many times unintentionally, mentors are available to love on others.
  • Mentors see the best in others and do their best to bring it out. It’s easy to see people where they are, but mentors see people for where they can be and are willing to hold their hand through the journey from who they are to who they were created to be.
  • Mentors sacrifice to make a difference. It’s not always easy or convenient to foster mentor relationships with others, but mentors understand their calling may cost them something and they are willing to do it anyway.
  • Mentors are discerning. Mentors understand influence doesn’t always happen sitting at a table with a book in one hand and a pen in the other. They are able to discern when an ordinary circumstance becomes a real life teaching moment and they make the most of each one.
It’s not always easy to be a mentor but it’s what we are called to. So, will we rise up and become women who will serve the Lord in our generation and understand that we too were born for such a time as this? The next generation awaits our response and their faith hangs in the balance. As a mentor, we can change this world – one mom at a time.
Mentors make a difference. Will you?
Stephanie Shott
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