Getting Over the Homeschool Holiday Hump

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It happened every year. Thanksgiving and Christmas would loom largely over our homeschool plans and as we began to shut things down for the holidays and take a break from class. We loved the time we had together during those precious days – the only problem was that once the holidays were gone and we launched into the new year, we always had a hard time getting back on the homeschool track.

Every year we were on three good months into school when the fun and festivities of all the holidays seemed to derail our well laid plans. Definitely not a god thing when another six months of school anxiously awaited us.

Here are 7 Ways to get over the homeschool holiday hump and be back on track by January 2nd:

1. Plan for re-entry before you ever depart. Be prepared to slowly dive back into school before you begin your break. Plan a light first few days back and then give yourself a full schedule.

2. Enjoy every day of your holiday break! And let your children enjoy them too!

3. After Christmas, begin dropping sweet little reminders to your children that school is about to begin again. This will help them begin to shift mental gears.

4. A day or two after Christmas review your lesson plans for your first week back to school.

5. Make the first few days of school easy on all of you. Keep you pre-holiday wake-up time, but make the first few days a little lighter than your normal school day. Include crafts, and reading and writing assignments that reflect on the holidays. Don’t feel like you’ve got to make up for lost time.

6. Make the new year a catalyst for new beginnings. Give them a diary and ask them to write out goals they have for the coming year on the last few pages. Help them develop plans to to get from where they are to where they want to be next year. When the year comes to an end, they will be able to see if they made progress or not.

7. After about the 3rd day of light school, start diving into your regular schedule and by the beginning of the next week, you’ll be in full swing.

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years aren’t the end of the year. They don’t even reach the 1/2 way mark. So, enjoy every minute of the holidays and when school begins again, be ready to ease back into it. You’ll be back in full swing within the week.

Stephanie Shott
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