The Smell of Freshly Sharpened Pencils

Ah, those never-ending summer days! When you’re young! The Bible says, “It’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it!” (Eccl. 11:9a TLB) And we did! Back in the old days…when I was young…there was no air conditioning for homes. No comfy indoor climate to entice us to be insiders. We were outsiders. We actually got exercise by running around playing tag, kick ball, or roller skating. We circled the neighborhood subdivision on our bikes until dark, and the bugs hit our teeth or our mothers rang a bell for us to come home. To cool ourselves, we played …


5 Ways to Make Saturdays Fun for Your Family

Do Saturdays seem saturated with chores and a long to-do list? Wish there was a way to make it fun for the family? We’re moms, so we know how busy life can be, but making Saturdays special for the family is SO worth it! So lets be honest… if we are going to make Saturdays fun, we’re going to have to be intentional and we might just have to re-arrange our weekdays in order to get some of our errands done and get our shopping in during the week. But I’d rather intentionally make time for fun with my family, …
