Trying Again: Exchanging Bad Communication Patterns for Good Ones

Parenting is tough. And I can easily fall into terribly patterns with my kids. Times when just the mention of a topic causes my blood to boil and I can barely speak a civil word because I am annoyed. Annoyed at poor attitudes. Frustrated that I cannot communicate clearly with them. Irritated that they don’t just take my word for it. And those sensitive topics like math can send both my child’s and my hearts pounding and blood boiling. So how do we try again? How can we remove the bad habit of frustration over difficult topics? “Everyone should be …


5 Tips to Help You Communicate: It is More than Just Words

“Jesus help me,” I whispered through clenched teeth as irritation oozed from my lips. I homeschool, and some days I just don’t have the right words to communicate math skills to my children. My inability to confidently and accurately teach maths skills stresses me out. I often plead with God to help me figure out a way to help my kids really comprehend a skill. While begging God for help is a great way to handle stress, I recently discovered my petitions were being misinterpreted by my children. “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you …
