Help Lead an OVERWHELMED Study & Begin a M.O.M. Initiative Group In Your Church or Ministry

The emails keep coming… “I would love, love, love to be a mentor! How do I go about it?” I would like to know how I can go about signing up for a mentor. I am a single mom and would love to have a mentor. “Do you have groups that meet in churches and if so how would we go about opening ours to do that?” “What an amazing, wonderful, idea I sure wish something like this had been around when I younger. I am a grandma to 10 and mother to 4. Please let me know what I do next. God bless you …


Where are the Continuing Education Credits for Motherhood?

Don’t you wish there were Continuing Education credits for motherhood? Back in college there were classes for just about everything: Music Appreciation, English 1101, Calculus, Religion, you name it and it was there. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a college level class on Motherhood. Sure, there are classes you can take while you are pregnant, and even some awesome mommy and me type classes, but where are the classes for: bandaging up boo-boo’s, pre-pubescent anxiety, peer pressure, broken hearts, and helping your child find their identity in Christ. Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;     teach the …


Mentoring thru the School Year

         Subscribe today for your FREE copy of… FACING YOUR FEARS – 31 STORIES FROM M.O.M.     By now many schooling families have written or received their first progress reports. Areas of weakness emerge, the lunch menu sounds dull, and new pencils have broken tips. Moms who have a mentoring mindset will succeed, even when school year challenges stack up against us. How can mentoring give you a Grade A school year? Teacher to Student Whether the parent wears the hat of “academic teacher” or shares it with another adult, teachers have the potential to mentor …


Mom and Mentor a Winning Duet

        Subscribe today for your FREE copy of… FACING YOUR FEARS – 31 STORIES FROM M.O.M.     By Featured Guest: Pam Farrel In Raising a Modern Day Princess, Pam’s book (co-author with Doreen Hanna) , moms and mentors team up to help walk young women through a rite of passage learning what it means to walk in a manner worthy of her calling—a daughter of the King of Kings—a Modern Day Princess. Mom and mentor might be seen as a winning duet helping a teen girl live the song of life God created her for. Some …


5 Myths About Mentors – Myth #1-Mentors Are Perfect Parents

Recently, I’ve talked to women who really desire to  be mentors and others who desire to have a mentor and have found that there are several factors that have prevented them from stepping into the Titus 2 model. Today, I’m starting a 5 part series entitled 5 Myths About Mentors to help debunk any notions that might hinder women from taking the life-changing Titus 2 journey together. Today, I’m going to examine the myth that mentors are perfect people. So, here we go… Have you ever been intimidated by another mother because you thought she had the perfect kids, the …


10 Ways to Make Mentor Mania Missional

There’s something stirring in the hearts of women around the world. Hearts are beating with the thrill of changing the world and young women are no longer satisfied with doing motherhood alone. Mentors are on the march and mentees are once again ready, willing and able to begin a journey that will encourage, challenge and change women’s lives on both side the mentor/mentee equation. No longer are young mothers wandering their way through life, struggling to figure things out on their own. The older generation is rising to the challenge and answering the call to be Titus 2 women in …


4 Solid Tips For Your Summer Road Trips

I couldn’t wait as a teen for summer to be here. Oh the freedom, the road trips, the memories. Flash forward to present day, I still love spur of the moment road trips but cringe slightly at the thought of being locked in my suburban with my three kids. If you dread it too, and are looking for ways to maximize peace and fun; and minimize the potential of world war III–I’m your girl. We have family in four different states and I speak often, in which case my family sometimes travels along.  Your Summer Road Trippin’ Fun Tips Photo …


Mentoring Decoded

She came to my house to pray. I longed for the time and loathed it too. My kitchen was a mess. Dirty dishes lined the sink and crumbs littered my table. My living room looked like a toy store threw-up in it and I didn’t have time to get my house tidy before she came. I planned to pick-up, wipe-down, and clean-up, but time eluded me. I couldn’t rescind the invitation. It was too late. When she arrived, I opened my door and apologized for the mess. She said, “Angela, I wish I played more and cleaned less when my …


Plant a mentee, watch her grow

As the weather warms and growing seasons take root, are you planting anything?  If you want plump, juicy tomatoes, now is the time to plant. If you want bunches of cilantro for guacamole, now is the time to sprinkle seeds. If you want to have a mom with her ear turned to the Lord, now is the time to plant a mentee and watch her grow. While soil is soft and sunshine frequent, lovers of all things veggie carefully dig and plant and water. Summer is the perfect time to nurture a mentoring relationship that will take root, sprout new …


Making Mentoring Personal

Mentoring only makes a difference if it gets personal.  The way most of us live life today insulates us from getting very personal. In fact, there are more ways than ever to create the profile that we want the world around us to see.  A status update and profile picture present the “me” we choose to show our family and girlfriends. If all else fails, we can add highlights, polish, Spanx, or Photoshop to carefully craft our avatar (That’s the little picture that represents “you” online). But a mentor gets past all that.  A mentor gets personal. The arrival of …
