When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter Book Give-Away

  Last year, my friend Cindi McMenamin sent out a Facebook call for mothers and daughters willing to fill out a survey for her upcoming book. Annemarie, then 21, and I both thought it sounded like fun, so we volunteered. Answering Cindi’s questions gave me opportunity to thoughtfully reflect on my relationships with my mother and my daughter. And as Annemarie and I compared notes after returning our surveys, we were each in for some surprises and valuable insights about the other. With Cindi’s permission, I’m listing the questions she asked in her survey below. Some of them lend themselves …


Preparing Your Kids To Be Mission Minded

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 NLT Missions trips will change your life. They will wreck you. You will never be able to look at poverty the same again. You will be compelled to do something about it. Your days of sitting by thinking there’s nothing that I can do to help will quickly be erased from your thought process…you will be determined to make a difference. One day. One child. One step at a time. That’s what has happened …


Beatin’ the Back-to-School Blues: A+ Advice for Moms (& Book Give-Away!)

Guest post by Jenny Lee Sulpizio It happens every year, doesn’t it? The excitement that transpires the instant our kids get out of school for summer. It’s a day where we as moms, can’t help but breathe a huge sigh of relief. No more homework, class assignments nor special projects. No more early morning alarm clocks, lunches to pack or after-school activities to deal with either. We’re free from routine, and structure…and lets’ be honest here, the mayhem that comes along with getting our kids prepped and ready for school each and every morning. But those three months of freedom? …


3 Smart Moves to Start Your Day

Smart Move 1:  Get on Your Knees with Your Bible Open Before You.    Not only will this smart move keep you limber, it will also open your mind to an outside help and source: God. Bow before Him. Acknowledge to your Heavenly Father, “I love You and want to live for You today.” Pray, “Fill me with Your Spirit and mind.” Place your little one on the floor beside you. It will teach them the smart move of starting their day in prayer before God. Smart Move 2: Turn on Christian Music. You’re making a wise choice when you …


Lead Your Family Like Jesus + Monday M.O.M. Link-Up

by Tricia Goyer Three Ways You Are A Leader in Everyday Life … and how to be a better one Many people are confused about the term “family leader.” As I’ve blogged about moms being leaders I’ve had both men and women pipe up, “But wait, the man’s supposed to be the leader in the home, right?” Yes, but women are leaders, too, in many ways you may not realize.  1. You are a Leader in Your Role As Spouse. Yes, friends, I believe in the “S” word … submission. I believe God has called men to be the spiritual …


RENEWED: An Interview with Lucille Zimmerman + Monday M.O.M. Link-Up!

Overwhelmed. I’ve been speaking to women’s groups for more than two decades. And while fashions and American Idols and fad diets have changed over the years, this one thing has remained constant: When I ask women what they struggle with, day in and day out, their #1 answer is “I feel so overwhelmed!” So I fell in love with Lucille Zimmerman’s new book the moment I laid eyes on the cover. Renewed. Ahhhh…what an invitation! I spent two weeks enjoying Lucille’s stories, Biblical insights, and practical wisdom as I savored (and stuck Post-It Notes all over!) a chapter a day. …


We’re all in this together – A GIVEAWAY

*Don’t miss the giveaway at the end of this post. There are many ways to enter! I had a conversation with a mom a while ago that really made me think. She was worried about her two-year-old, who had become a picky eater. Frustrated with the meal-time battles and the fact that her toddler had just learned to say the word no, this mom threw her hands up and said, “My husband and I decided we’re failing as parents.” It broke my heart. Anybody who has had a two-year-old knows that these types of battles are totally normal. I understood …


Mentor”ish”ing on the Trail + Monday M.O.M. Link-Up!

by Erin MacPherson I’m part of a run”ish”ing group with six of my girlfriends. We call it run”ish”ing because if you’ve ever seen me run, you’d know that I certainly could not be labeled a runner.  Run”ish”er is a stretch.  But regardless, every Saturday morning we get up bright and early and meet at a local park to go run”ish”ing.  We even have shirts to remind us of our athletic prowess (or lack thereof). Now, I know it sounds crazy (who gets up at 6 am to do something sporty?) but it’s become the part of my week that I …


Great Easter Activities

Colorful eggs. Tons of fabulous candy. And a giant bunny. A cross. Palm branches. And an empty tomb. As a child holidays can be quite confusing. As a mom it can be difficult to know how to teach your children about Easter. Below are some ideas to help your kids understand what Easter is all about. Resurrection rolls are a fun, tasty, educational, and relatively quick Easter breakfast recipe. My children love making them. One note to this recipe, I buy the large sized crescent rolls to keep the marshmallow inside the roll better. Resurrection Cookies. This recipe begins the …
