Better Together Conference HIGHLIGHTS

What happens at a Better Together Conference? Since a picture is worth a million words…. Stephanie Shott, Melinda Means, Debbie Taylor Williams, Christen Price “Better Together” is the name of The Mom Initiative Conference that we are hosting in churches across America.  When I think of 2 moms who model being “Better Together,” I think of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Elizabeth. They were better together! After the angel announced to Mary that she had been chosen to give birth to the Messiah, she went to see Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John. Together they celebrated. “Blessed are you …


Got a Child-Centered Home or an Attention-Starved Child?

Motherhood is the hardest thing we will ever do. It’s hard to know all the answers when we’re still trying to figure out the questions.  And if you’ve been a mom for more than a week, you know it’s hard to find a healthy balance between too much attention and not enough.  How does a mom know whether she has an attention-starved child or a child-centered home? It’s such an easy place to end up for the mom who is busy, too structured, or just plain distracted. Let’s look at some distinguishing characteristics of an ATTENTION-STARVED CHILD. Creates a disturbance …


Dear Weary Ministry Leader Who Wants to Change the World…

I know you’re tired. Maybe you’re overwhelmed. You’re probably feeling like the whole world is on your shoulders. Perhaps you’re even ready to quit. But you can’t quit. Not unless Jesus tells you to quit. There’s a world out there that needs Jesus and what you do matters. Every prayer you pray, every call you make, every event you plan, every Bible study you teach, every leader you encourage, every moment you choose to really listen to another woman’s heart, every burden you bear, every smile you share, every centerpiece you place on the table, every messed up plan that you have …


I’m Taking the 30 Day PTW Challenge! How about you?

Message 10-25 (Donald Shott) from Journey Church on Vimeo This past Sunday, I made my way to church, sat down to listen and was quickly aware of how much my prayer life needed to change. The Lord convicted me, and my hubby inspired me!  If you’re like me, sometimes your prayers begin and end with yourself. Your needs, your wants, your desires… even good ones. Even the kind where you are praying for a lost loved one whom you have been praying for for years. And the kind of prayers when you are praying for the healing of a friend, the needs …


Something You Might Just Need to Remember Today

  Hey sweet mom, ministry leader and mentor! You might have had a rough week. Maybe you felt like you were completely unappreciated, yet you’ve given everything you’ve got. Perhaps you aren’t sure how you’re going to take another step, wish you could catch your breath, or at least take a long hot shower without being bombarded by the kiddos asking you what’s for lunch. Today, you might just need to remember… You are BRAVER than you believe, and STRONGER than you seem,  And SMARTER thank you think. Christopher Robin thought that about Pooh. And I know that to be true …


Are YOU Ready for School Yet?

Hey… sweet mom! Yeah… you!  The one who knows it’s back-to-school time for the kiddos but hasn’t even had a chance to enjoy the summer yet… The mom who can’t seem to find the bottom of the dirty clothes pile, figure out what’s for dinner tonight, is stressed out by her toddler’s temper tantrums and feels like the trip to the grocery store without kids is a vacation. Are you looking for a little relief? Wondering if anyone else ‘gets’ you and understands what you are going through and how you feel? You are the object of our prayers and the …


An Open Letter to Those Who Are Thinking About Having an Affair

  Before we get started in talking about today’s tough topic, I want to announce the winner of The Cure for a “Perfect” Life by Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory. AND THE WINNER IS….. AUBREY M. CONGRATULATIONS AUBREY!! (Aubrey, please email us at and let us know where we can send your book!)   Today, I’m writing an open letter to those who are thinking about having an affair… because if you are even considering it, my prayer is this post will stop you dead in your tracks. You see, you only get one life to live to be …


Praying for Your Prodigal – Desperate Cries from the Hearts of Desperate Moms

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:14 I remember when we were on the mission field and we were struggling with some issues in our family. I looked at my husband and said, “I will not win a nation and lose my own son!” No matter how successful I am in life, if my children do not walk with God, I will feel as though I failed in the most important role I’ve ever been given…the role of a mother. I realize that our job is to raise them …
