Dear God, He’s Home!

Today I birthed a baby—no not a real baby—but my seventeenth book, Dear God, He’s Home! A Woman’s Guide to Her Stay-at-Home Man, releases March 5th and the process of writing and getting a book published usually takes longer than 9 months and the labor pains go on and on…. But just like when you look into the face of your beautiful baby for the first time, when my “baby” arrived on my doorstep and I held it in my hands, all the stress of long writing days, late nights, deadlines, edits, selecting a cover and a name all faded …


True Love or a Fairy Tale?

This isn’t part of Cinderella’s happily ever after… …or in any other fairy tale I’ve read.  The prince and princess who  overcome every obstacle,  finally swept together in rapturous “love”, then wham.  Every force available in the kingdom seems to shove them apart. The prince works a stressful fifty-plus hour work week, travels, leaves before the sun goes up, comes home right in time to tuck the little ones in bed, nods off then speeds off again. His once stately shoulders sag under the burden of his workplace and striving to be a husband and father. Once surrounded in glass …


A Christmas Gift for Daddy

It’s too late.  If you haven’t finished Christmas shopping for your husband, your time is up. Oh, you could fight the crowds, pray for a parking spot, wait in line, and buy him … a bag of jerky, but that’s not really what he wants. On Christmas day, a mom can give her main man what he wants most:  her respect. Christmas can become so focused on the children that a dad can feel like a toy dancing Santa … fun at first, but then only good to be put in a corner and ignored. Add in some holiday-inspired sarcasm …


Have a Merry Marriage & The TMI Monday Link Up!

A lot of work in decking the halls falls to Mom. A mother’s list is long when counting to Christmas, and it isn’t unheard of for there to be a casualty during the 12 (just 12?) days of Christmas. Does someone named “husband” feel like there’s no room for him in the inn this time of year? Honestly, would your husband say your marriage is very merry in December? Would you? While tackling gift lists, baking cookies, signing cards, and attending parties, a wife might feel like she only has time for her man when it’s time to hang the …

Mom hugging son

Good mom, good wife?

Is being a good mom the same as being a good wife? From the time a child enters into a family, they can’t help but try to take over and secure their spot at the center of our world. At first, they seem so innocent and helpless, but their power to dominate slumbers like a morning nap under a mobile with a nursery rhyme. It may be years before a mom realizes that her precious children can unseat her husband’s unique place in her heart. If we aren’t careful, children can take the place of our mate. They are a …


Overcoming the Obstacles to Dating Your Spouse

SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND RECEIVE YOUR FREE COPY OF… FACING OUR FEARS – 31 STORIES FROM M.O.M.     “WAAAAAAAAAAAAA,” wailed my son from his time-out spot on the floor. My oldest child whined over her brother’s cries, “Mom, make him stop! I am trying to do my homework and I can’t concentrate.” I looked up from L’s reading homework and said, “I am sorry, he will calm down soon.” As I looked back at the book L arched her back and yelled, “It says, slet. slet. slet. slet.” I pointed to the word “set” and asked her to sound it …


The Making of a Marriage – When Holding On is Tough

  Marriage is hard. Sometimes couples slip apart. Sometimes they just let go. We don’t always love well. We don’t always live selfless lives. We don’t always do what is best for the one we love. We don’t always love the one we said we would spend the rest of our lives with. We don’t always like each other. We don’t always serve one another. We aren’t always nice to each other. We don’t always say kind words to one another. We aren’t always in a good mood. We don’t always have candlelit, romantic dinners. We don’t always tell each …


Just Between Us Girls

Fellow Moms, we all know our husbands need us to be their cheerleaders.  Sometimes we feel resentful of that need. We wonder, “Where is my pat on the back for the things I do?”  Let me attempt to put things into perspective. Typically our kids are created to look to moms for encouragement and then those same children desire to impress mom with all the things they can do. “Mommy watch me!” is a common phrase from little ones. Bigger kids less overt, “Mom, are you coming to my game?” We innately know we are to build up our children. …


I Am A Controlling Woman

By Special Guest: Gina Smith We’ve all heard the phrase, “SHE wears the PANTS in THAT family!” We shake our heads and think about how controlling other women can be. But did you know that every time I complain or am discontent with my husband, correct or criticize him, tell him what to do, or interrupt him…I am controlling!? I see it so clearly in others but the truth of the matter is that I am a controller. I wear the pants in my family. It’s a part of who I am. It’s a part of EVERY woman. The Word …


Nurture Your Marriage ~ Take a Break

Why in the world would a marriage post have the title, “Take a Break”? Take a break with each other. There are times that I need to take a breather; a time of refreshing, to get myself together. There are also those times that taking a break with my husband gives me a chance to possibly gain a new outlook on something that I’ve been rolling over in my mind. This wouldn’t be possible if I had children in my ear also. I try to find unique and creative ways to spend time alone with my husband. My children are …
