31 Ways to Keep Your Kids Cool

The 4th of July is just around the corner, not only will your kiddos be turning on the heat to their favorite fireworks, but the heat will be tough to beat for the rest of the summer. Here is a quick and handy list to pin for 31 Ways to Keep Your Kids Cool!    1. Redneck Water Sprinkler:  Grab an old pop bottle, poke dozens of holes and thread onto hose. I’ve seen others attach it with duck tape. 2. Water Balloon Teamwork:  Divide children into two teams.  Have the children pair up within their team with a partner, back to …


15 Ways to Encourage Your Man

So many changes going on in the Riggleman household and one of them is the way God is working on my heart about my husband. You see, that’s because I haven’t always been the best wife.  I haven’t always been the best wife. Click To Tweet When we first married, I wasn’t a follower of Christ and I was raised to believe a woman needed to be strong, fierce, and independent of her man–if she had one. My parents broken marriage left example after example of reasons I thought I needed to be a modern woman with my own ideas and …


Dear Bachelorette Andi Dorfman, you aren’t going to find true love…

The countdown for the news show KFXL began, I readied my station, checking audio levels, station channels, and performing mic checks as six screens in front of me displayed various shows on both ABC and FOX. My co-workers performed their various duties too when suddenly,  we all yelled at the TV in disgust as The Bachelorette switched from scenes of Andi Dorfman gushing over the abs of one of the guys vying for her attention and scenes of the guys stripping all for the sake of charity. Granted that was two episodes ago, last week’s show was a bit better …


Salon FABULOUS Nails for under $7.00 – DIY GEL Nails – For Busy Moms

If you’re a busy mom like me, a manicure isn’t at the top of your to-do list or budget. Enter GEL Nails and viola–you can look like the sexy chica your hubby married without breaking the bank. I LOVE my stylist, she does my nails but with our budget, I cannot afford $25.00 every three weeks, nor do I have the time to stop in when I chip a nail. Hence–learning the art of DIY Gel Nails!!!  These are my nails after three and a half weeks, a little rough but still pretty.  Of course you can be creative and …


5 Building Blocks that Led Us Down the Aisle…Again

  “I can’t wait to see you two renew your vows, I wish my husband and I could do something like that!” As I read yet another comment on my Facebook page, it confirmed my feelings our vow renewal wasn’t just for my marriage. Later when Chris and I had a chance to talk after putting the kids to bed, he shared comments he received at work about our wedding. “I think it’s a bigger deal to people we’re doing this a second time around. No one thought we would make it one year much less fifteen years,” Chris commented …


Nascar Moments and Motherhood

  It’s often said that motherhood is a marathon not a sprint. Yet I wonder if it’s something else entirely; like Nascar where God is the coach of  your pit crew and you hear him whisper directions as you round the bend for another lap. Recently, our church went through a series about needing a pit crew and it ended with a night at the races. Moments volleyed back and forth between snuggling with my son and begging him to calm down as dirt flew up from the track while drivers either lost control of their car or hit another racer in an attempt to make it to …


Saying, “I still do.” A marriage tested & strengthened through God.

Sitting in a blue box underneath piles of scrapbook paper, stickers, and rubber stamps are letters. More than 200 of them in fact.  They’ve been sitting there, yellowing in the quiet darkness of the basement, but each one is near and dear to my heart. Each one reminds me that couples like Chris and I only have a ONE percent chance of surviving.  15 years ago, my heart was in turmoil.  Still in high school, I stared in shock at the positive pregnancy test.  Suddenly I was keenly aware of our differences.  I had a temper. My boyfriend didn’t. He …


Freezer Waffle Recipes (plus other freeze ahead breakfast ideas)

Mornings… SIGH. I am so not a morning person, I used to be before I had kids. This means I’m not exactly awake in the mornings, not to mention the challenge to get everyone out the door (on time!) to work and school makes for an interesting morning. This means I need to find ways to save time and still serve my kids a healthy breakfast. Freezer waffles are the perfect solution. You can make large batches ahead of time. Then in the morning, grab the desired amount of waffles and place in your toaster or oven. Viola! Breakfast is …


Interrupted by the Invisible

  By the time you read this, I will have kissed my babies good-bye and boarded a plane to fly halfway around the world…all because God taught me to see the invisible.This Mentor M.O.M. will be traveling to the Philippines. We still aren’t clear how we will be serving or what exactly we will be doing, but I do know this; God planned it. How does a busy working mom of three who is planning a vow renewal ceremony for her 15 year wedding anniversary suddenly drop everything to go to a country that’s still recovering from a history’s biggest typhoon?  …


Live Loved

I sit here in the quiet madness that only a saved person feels when all that she has done is not enough. Here am I  juggling to be good, lead, do better, mother more, strive harder; chasing God while feeling so empty inside.  And here am I…hiding a dark secret. Etched into the laugh lines around my eyes are furrows of worry, of weakness. In the canyons of my worry lies the belief I am not enough. Try harder, do better, be better.  Looking into the mirror, I see past mistakes, reflections of those who still paint me as the old me, and unforgiveness of the fresh mistakes …
