Why Homeschooling May Be an Option

Have you ever gotten that strange look or sly comment when you say you are a homeschooling momma? Yup. I sure have. As a former middle and high school teacher with experience teaching at both public and private schools, I have firsthand experience of the ins and outs of our nation’s school system. If it works for your family, why not take the opportunity to ignore the masses and educate to your own drum? So here goes… *You can create your own curriculum to suit what’s best for your child. You can avoid the cookie cutter schooling experience to meet state standards that are overly-generalized for the average …


Top 10 Teen Must Reads

Top 10 Teen Must Reads Click To Tweet “…the books read and the philosophies absorbed in one’s teens and twenties erupt with a delayed effect, exerting redoubled influence in one’s middle years.” -Ravi Zacharias* From the thick, bite-marked board books of yesterday to the tattered worn pages of chemistry and algebra books tossed on the table today…each book has taken its turn shaping my children.  As we witness our older children’s youthful journey coming to an end and their life as teens beginning to bloom, what should we encourage them to read?   Here are the top ten teen must reads, …


Detailed Homeschool Records Made Simple – Video

Do you struggle with knowing where to start with your homeschool records?  Multiple kids, 180 days of school papers, test scores, grades, reading lists, course descriptions, strengths, weaknesses, activities…where do we start? For the last nine years, I’ve been slowly educated on what is important enough to keep and what to toss aside into the recycle bin.  If you’re under a pile of paperwork wondering how to keep your homeschool records detailed as well as simple, I hope this idea will work for you! If you don’t see the video, click here. Start with purchasing one plastic presentation folder per student.  …


The Persecuted Christian Missionary Project

Are you looking for a missionary project to do alongside your children or grandchildren? Click To Tweet  I hope so because here is an excellent one! Plunge with me into the middle of a tremendously dangerous mission field…armed solely with your desire to serve the Lord and serve Christians persecuted for their faith. On our trip we will team up with The Voice of the Martyrs; a Christian organization serving the persecuted Church all around the world.  They provide relief, spiritual support and encourage the families of Christian martyrs. The mission of “The Voice of the Martyrs” is to serve those …


5 Reasons Why You Should Read to Your Children?

Do you read to your children? When my children were young, I loved curling up against the headboard with my boys in my arms and a book in my hand as I read a story to them before I tucked them in. I LOVED story time – and so did they… even when they were older. But to be honest, with dishes to do, baths to take, teeth to brush, homework to finish and laundry to fold, I often struggled to settle down long enough to read to my children. Maybe you feel the same way too. Always something to …


Homeschooling Sydney

When I found out I was pregnant with our fourth child, I was already 10 weeks pregnant.  To say that we were joyfully surprised is such an understatement.  But early on, I heard the Lord whisper to me, “This one will be both a comfort and a joy to you.” And she is exactly that! An August baby, we made the call to enroll her in kindergarten earlier rather than later.  She had already been in pre-K for a year and she was ready! Or so we thought.  Within two weeks, the teacher had her pulled out regularly for extra …


20 Foundational Verses for Every Family to Grow

Not too long ago, I saw a photo on Facebook that read “If you don’t teach your children to believe in Jesus, then world will teach them not to.” As I sat staring at my screen, I realized their world revolved around me right now and then wondered what messages my words, actions, and lifestyle reflecting for my kids.  The more I thought about it, the more I thought we’re like everyone else as a typical Christian family, we go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. We pray at meal times and before bed. We say a prayer as we …



Homeschooler  I don’t wear it like a badge of honor, but it is my label. A job I accepted last year with fear and trepidation. And this year I take it up again a little wiser and still concerned that I educate my children well.  I am a mom who longs to raise kids who love to learn. I want them to be life-long learners. I want them to love good books and communicate well in both written and spoken word.  I secretly hope they love science and learn to look at math as a challenge, not an obstacle.  I …


10 Ways to Make Your Child’s Lunchbox a Healthy One

You’ve heard it said before, “You are what you eat.”  So are our children. Recently, statistics have unveiled a startling truth about our children’s eating habits. It seems as though the number one food that children eat is chicken nuggets. Some chicken nuggets aren’t so bad, but I think because we think they are eating chicken, we forget that most of them are deep friend in hydrogenated oil. In The Making of a Mom, I wrote about how loving our children well includes making sure they eat well. But healthy doesn’t always come easily in a world full of drive thru’s …


Who Else Wants Clear Direction?

    I blew it.  Days of swimming through murky teenage “stuff” paired with this new stage of parenting resulted in my not-so-pretty meltdown. Late the same evening I found myself on the edge of my teen’s bed.   His now huge 6 foot, 15 year-old frame had his back turned towards me as my quivering words spilled out, “I’m so sorry. I blew it. My words were awful. Will you forgive me?” Parenting is hard.  We stumble through one developmental stage, look back on that point in time with confidence as we emerge, then find ourselves knee-deep in doubt …
