Say You’re Sorry

Recently I watched my daughter-in-law teaching her little girl to say, “I’m sorry!”  It was a heart-wrenching but beautiful thing. She’s only 2, but in many cases, she is already well aware of what is right and wrong.  She understands that saying mean things, talking back to her parents or adults, taking toys away from her friends and lying are all bad behaviors. The Bible teaches us that we are all born with a conscience (Romans 2:14-15) and so we naturally know some things are just wrong. Understanding the scope and gravity of other behaviors and attitudes comes with time. That’s …


Stop Interrupting Me!

Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation with someone and your child began to constantly interrupt you? “Mommy! I need you! Mommy! Moooommmy! Mom!” as they relentlessly tug on your shirt.” It’s not only frustrating and aggravating – it’s a little embarrassing. What do you do? How can you teach your children to respect you and your time with others? Is it possible to teach them how not to be rude without making them feel as though they are unimportant or that you’re ignoring them? When my children were younger I had that problem and I had …
