American Idol, Hollywood & Why Some Things Should Remain Unsaid

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I guess I’m really frustrated that every time I turn on the television I find something that makes me turn it right back off. Commercials and television shows with violence, sex scenes, and inappropriate language seem to have taken over what used to be Prime Time TV. (And HELLO! Families are watching…and that means CHILDREN are being exposed to that!).

Is it just me or are there any other mommas frustrated too?

Last week was the first time I had watched American Idol in years and I turned it on just in time to see Harry Connick, Jr.’s do something that had me cheering him on!

After listening to a contestant sing a song, Harry had her say the words she sang and then he asked, “Is that really what you want to be singing about?”

A great question parents should be asking their children and we all should be asking ourselves. It falls in line with what Scripture says in Proverbs 4:26 (Amp), “Consider well the path of your feet…”

In other words, “Think about what you are doing… Is that really want you want your life to be about? Because the choices you are making today will be the sum of who you become along the way!”

So, that was last week! A time when I said, KUDOS to Harry!

But this week was a different story. 

This week, the contestants, the judges, and Ryan Seacrest were given 20 seconds to share random things about themselves. Some of what they shared was cute, insignificant tidbits of trifle. But some of what they shared was reflective of where we are as a culture.

A bleep here and a crude comment there. And I don’t mean to pick on Harry here, but his crass comment really crossed the line in a culture where kids are struggling to find their way.

“I’ve never seen Keith Urban naked and I’d like to see Keith Urban naked.”

Really Harry? Did you need to really say that in a culture that has skewed it’s view of gender roles?

Last week, Harry was courageous enough to ask a young lady to ponder her path, but this week he wasn’t listening to his own advice. 

“Harry, is that really what you want to be about? Is that really a message you want to convey to young teenagers who watch this show?”

Unfortunately, we live in a world where our kids are influenced (and even shaped) by Hollywood. And because in Hollywood, anything goes, we have compromised convictions and created a culture where anything goes too.

Things that would have never been said 20 years ago are accepted, applauded, and even protected today.

Even Christians struggle to draw moral lines in their lives and in the name of tolerance, we concede to popular opinion and teeter on truths we once held dear.

Over the years, we’ve moved the lines so much, our kids are confused and they don’t know where to stand or why they should stand for anything at all.

Television shows like Pretty Little Liars, reality shows, like The Bachelor, and talk shows like Conan and Chelsea Lately show little or no restraints when it comes to sex, vulgarity, violence, disrespect, drugs, and disregard for all things sacred.

Purity? Why stay pure? The teens on Pretty Little Liars are doing it!

Cussing? Really? What’s wrong with cussing? What’s the big deal?

Our kids are exposed to what was once offensive and, in the process, a culture of convenient convictions has been created. In our politically correct climate, it’s okay to have convictions as long as everyone else is okay with the convictions you have. If not, then you may be bullied into backing down.

Maybe I’m on a tangent, but my heart is breaking over a generation that has lost its way. 

Because we have chosen to say what should not be said – chosen to ignore what should not be ignored – chosen to remain silent when we should have made some noise – chosen to embrace what God calls sin.

Years ago, a sweet woman sat beside me and shared some words of wisdom that were written on the inside cover of her Bible. It was something her mentor had shared with her.

“Before you say anything at all, ask yourself this question, ‘Does what I’m getting ready to say, really need to be heard?'”

Did what Harry said really need to be heard?

I realize it was random, and he may have been trying to be funny but when you have millions of eyes watching you and the majority of them are just kids, you have to think, “Does what I’m getting ready to say really need to be heard?”

Harry’s comments were minor compared to some other things our kids have been exposed to, but later in the show Ryan Seacrest repeated what Harry said… and so will a lot of kids who watched the show

With great position and great influence comes great responsibility. 

And ultimately…we will all stand before the Lord one day, and I never want to be responsible for causing someone to be confused about their convictions or about what is true and right and holy.

So, because of the children whose eyes are watching you, and because of the generation that needs to know that there are moral absolutes, there is right from wrong, there is a God who cares about whether we choose to believe the truth or a lie – because of all that and more, there are some things that just should remain unsaid.

Agree? Or disagree?



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