Get Along Jar: Creative Discipline to Combat Sibling Bickering.

We hear it all. day. long. Bickering and sibling rivalry. In my home, the common offenses include, Mom, she’s looking at me. or  Mom he’s in my room! or  She’s using my tablet! and my favorite He’s breathing on me!!! You can view the video my Nebraska.TV News segment here or read further! Whether you’re a working mom, stay at home mom, a home school mom or run a daycare. This jar will take a load off your shoulders! 🙂 If you’re tired of hearing these comments and playing referee on top of coming up with consequences on the fly–then …


When Our Children Are Afraid

The Boogeyman, the monsters under the bed and the hideous looking clown from a friend’s birthday party – they’re all so scary. Especially for a little mind that isn’t capable of distinguishing real from make believe. Most children struggle with fear at some point or another. They are afraid of the dark, afraid of insects, afraid or pets, afraid of their own shadows. Fear happens. And whether or not the object of their fear is real, the fear they feel is definitely real. Just as real as their momma’s fears. A couple weeks ago we released our first book. It’s …
