The ABC’s of Vacation Bible School

I was born into a family where “vacation,” “Bible” and “school” didn’t go together. Before my parents began a relationship with Jesus, the Bible was a way to ruin our vacation! But once our family learned about God’s plan for moms, dads and kids, summer became a special window of opportunity to grow in faith. It’s a season when signs start popping up on street corners advertising “Vacation Bible School” for kids. If you haven’t been part of a church community for long, you might wonder why VBS should get prime real estate on your summer family calendar. What’s so …


A teachable change of seasons

Tomorrow is the first day of Autumn. We’ll watch the leaves dry up in the waning sunlight, just to be pinched off their twig by a gust of chilly wind and tossed to the ground with a crunch. Winter will follow, with life lurking beneath what appears to be dead. This is the perfect time to help our children understand the truth of life out of death. God has shown us His redemptive plan through His own creation and the change of seasons. Are you ready to watch the show of color that comes with Autumn? This year, do more …
