Why I Think Being a Mom Links Us to the Hardest Work

Before we dig in to this uber important topic, I want to ask if you will read through today’s post and comment to let us know that you are in… that you will pray with us for the next generation. We want to know how many women will roll up  their sleeves and do the one hard thing we should be doing… praying! COMMENT and tell us you’re in if you are. Oswald Chambers once said, “Prayer is the greatest work.” It’s not easy to intercede on behalf of those who can’t or won’t pray for themselves. Intercessory prayer is …


3 Ways to Pray Consistently

This past Saturday, I had the whole morning to myself. My intent was to write.  I’ve had posts welling up inside of me for weeks and I couldn’t wait to sit at the computer in a quiet house and get those words on the screen. But, God had other plans. He asked me to kneel at his altar and pray. It wasn’t one of those rushed prayers of obligation. No, it was one of those flat on the floor, tears streaming, questions asking, heart-pounding prayers.  It was exhausting, dramatic, and releasing. Have you ever had a moment like that? When …


A Mother’s Persistent Prayer

Desperation can lead to unusual actions. Many were the days that I locked myself in the bathroom or closet after a crazy day just to have a few much needed minutes of peace and quiet. Other times, I unashamedly made a special trip to our town’s grocery store to grab a bag of spicy gumdrops thinking they would relieve the mom-stress I was dealing with. (That doesn’t work, by the way!) But, nothing leads me to more frantic and determined action than seeing one of my children in deep trouble. I’ve had my moments of sheer panic for my children. …


Mom Doubt. God, What Were You Thinking?

“God what were you thinking when you gave me this kid?” “God what were you thinking when you gave me this kid?” @loriwildenberg @themominitiativ Click To Tweet Have you ever asked The Lord a question like this? I know I have. Do you doubt you’re equipped or qualified to be the mom to you kids?   I question my position when I’m: Navigating issues— issues I don’t have a good handle on.   Being exposed to interests and hobbies I am not naturally drawn to. Experiencing frustration with a personality so different from my own.  Yet, even in the midst of …


My Kid is Orlando

My kid is Orlando.  My kid is Orlando. @themominitiativ @loriwildenberg Click To Tweet My young adult daughter has gone to clubs like Pulse.  One of my kids was a student at Columbine (post tragedy). We attend church, go to the movies, and school. All places that seem safe–places for fun, for education, for worship. All places where senseless heartache, terrorism, and tragedy have occurred. My daughter is a self-proclaimed lesbian. (I prefer to say she is same-sex-attracted because I don’t think people should be identified by their sexuality. I believe identity is in Christ but that is a conversation for …


When You Need God to Provide…

The past six months have been formative months for me. I can say it no other way. I have gone deeper with God, knowing that He alone can sustain the pressings of my heart. He is after all, the One who formed it.  He is forming it still. His Light has come and permeated the dark recesses of my heart. His power has amazed me. His ability, astounded. His love has come and become my foundation–firmly establishing me in Him. One afternoon in March, I had time for a shower. The sun was gently filling the room. My heart was heavy–burdened …


Safe and Sound, That’s Where I’m Found!

The snow had been falling for hours, late into the evening, and the news reports were riddled with stories of car accidents, closed roads, and events cancelled due to the weather. I turned off the television. Inside, I was struggling with a spiritual storm of my own. I was just lost in it. Ever felt like that? My heart was aching over something I had no power to fix, and I was doubting that God even cared anymore. In fact, I was sure He didn’t care. But in a last ditch effort to ask for mercy, and for God to …



Welcome to Week 7 of MATRIARCHS! Study God’s Word with us online or use them in your small group or Sunday School class!  Each lesson includes: Teaching video every Monday (15-20 minutes) Short lesson provided as the content of the post In-depth downloadable PDF to deepen your study Worksheets that take you even deeper ALL LESSONS ARE FREE AND YOU CAN MAKE AS MANY COPIES AS YOU’D LIKE! Week 1: Eve – A Mother Like No Other Week 2: Sarah – Mother of Nations Week 3: Rebekah – Mothering Through Barrenness Week 4: Mary – Stubbornly Inflexible or Sacredly Flexible Week 5: Naomi – Not …

Deepen your family's prayer life by making a prayer board

Creating a Prayer Board: 3 Easy Steps to Deepen Your Family’s Prayer Life

The MOM Initiative is so excited to have Amy L. Sullivan with us today, sharing an awesome (and super easy) way to deepen your family’s prayer life.  She’s also giving away her newest ebook, Gutsy Girls: Strong Christian Women Who Impacted the World.  Leave a comment on this post to enter to win! Here’s Amy… Creating a Prayer Board: 3 Easy Steps to Help Deepen Your Family’s Prayer Life By Amy L. Sullivan Our family’s prayer life had plateaued. Thank you for this food. Thank you for this day. Thank you for our friends. Please be with us during the week. Please …


Back to School!

Each year, when summer comes and school lets out, it makes me reflect on my childhood summers. You know…those summers that seemed to last forever? I think about all the wonderful days I experienced growing up. We all had so much fun. Forced to be outsiders, we actually got exercise by running around playing tag, kick ball, or roller skating. We circled the neighborhood subdivision on our bikes until dark and the bugs hit our teeth, or Mom rang the bell to come home. Our parents never worried about us. Because a high level of trust in one’s neighbor existed, …
