A Christmas Wish for Christian Moms – Is This YOUR Wish Too?

“I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth.” 3 John 1:4 It’s the best gift a mom could ever receive… to be able to say  that her children are walking in the truth! It’s what we long for, what we pray for, what we want more than anything else. But many moms are still waiting. Still praying. Still wearing holes in the carpet by their bedside. Still desperate to see their children become all God created them to be. Still longing to see their children walk in the truth. Today, would you join me in praying for …


Life Doesn’t Have to Become Unravelled When Mom Is Sick – 5 Things to Help Your Home Run Well When You Aren’t Feeling Well

I’m sick. Feeling like pooh (and I’m not talking about Winnie)! Sniffing, snorting, sneezing, fever, just-want-to-crawl-under-the-covers sick. Somewhere between chills and Kleenex, my blank mind wandered to a time when my children were young and being sick wasn’t something I had time for.  I wasn’t prepared. Proverbs 31:21 gives us an inside peek at the intimidating Mrs. Proverbs 31’s home life. “She is not afraid of snow for her household, For all her household is clothed with scarlet.” She wasn’t afraid of what lurked beyond the four walls of her house because, like a girl scout, Mrs. Proverbs 31 was ready. I …


10 Things Moms Savor – Come add your own!

Things moms savor that will make your mom heart smile! 🙂 This past week we shared some fun things that make a mom’s heart smile in our Million Moms Newsletter. So we wanted to share it here for you. Be sure to add your own.  And…OH… if you haven’t joined the MILLION MOMS Team, please click this link and sign up! We are looking for a million moms who want to raise their children to know Jesus! If that’s you, join the team! 1. That moment when your child realizes your real name isn’t ‘mom.’ 2. That moment when you realize …


A Mother’s Persistent Prayer

Desperation can lead to unusual actions. Many were the days that I locked myself in the bathroom or closet after a crazy day just to have a few much needed minutes of peace and quiet. Other times, I unashamedly made a special trip to our town’s grocery store to grab a bag of spicy gumdrops thinking they would relieve the mom-stress I was dealing with. (That doesn’t work, by the way!) But, nothing leads me to more frantic and determined action than seeing one of my children in deep trouble. I’ve had my moments of sheer panic for my children. …


Dream The Biggest Dreams

What dreams do you have for your children? Proud moms like us can see all the potential stored up in in our offspring. Even before others discover their talents and gifts, we have inklings of what each of these precious ones can become. From their youngest years, it is easy to begin dreaming about what their future holds. My daughter was singing beautifully at age two. My son threw a football across the nursery when he was nine months of age. Each of my little ones displayed qualities for which I knew they had talent. I wondered how they would …


Perfectionism is Overrated!

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? Hi, my name is Sandy, and I’m a closet perfectionist. And I know that perfectionism is overrated! No one would know my secret if they looked at my house, my hair, or my clothes, but somewhere down deep there is a desire for perfection. My heart races and my nerves shake when things are not in order. I used to tell my children I could not make …


Mom to Mom (The difference between principles & methodology in parenting)

Being a mom is such a beautiful gift. But it comes with challenges every day. OVERWHELMED is WHERE MOST MOMS LIVE. We struggle with what our children are exposed to in this crazy world, the friends they hang around with, the schools they go to, their education, their temptations, what they watch on TV, the music they listen to… Moms struggle with finding their way, with comparing themselves among themselves, with trying to be Pinterest perfect mommies with Pinterest perfect homes and Pinterest perfect lives.  But there are no perfect moms, there are no simple solutions, there are no easy …


MATRIARCHS: Discovering the Secrets of the Mothers of the Bible

Each footprint tells a story of a mom who went before us. Secrets of the matriarchal kind that whisper to our hearts, cheering us on, echoing hard-fought lessons, their very dust swirling in our faces. We strain to see through the hazy distance of time, the secrets their lives teach us. Secrets that speak from the heart of one mom to another. From them we discover what we should be doing… and what we shouldn’t. Principles of the general-kind. The ones that work for us all. But not the kind that make mommas think their own unique family fits into some kind …


When Motherhood Looks Different Than Planned

All my life, I’ve been a planner. When my parents would take my brother and I on a vacation, I would be the one who would pick up the travel brochures and determine where we should go, what we should eat, and how we would get there. Today, I carry a spiral bound planner with me wherever I go. Inside this notebook is my monthly calendar, my to-do list, my grocery list, and my goals for what I want to accomplish for the day, month, and year. Having a plan makes me feel like I am in control. Until I’m not. …


For the Mom Who’s Lost Her Marbles…

I was picking up run-away marbles that morning and grumbling that I was at risk of losing mine when I thought of her.  Her hallow eyes loomed in my mind as I crawled on my knees and tried to grab those shiny glass orbs scattered all over the living room carpet again.  My four-year-old had been cooking me marble stew since she’d stumbled from bed before sunrise, and my pots and pans were scattered all across the couch. (Um, I mean, the oven with couch- cushion burners.) There was nothing terrible about the hours  ahead- just another day of folding laundry and reading picture books, …
