Every Woman Needs a Tribe by Tamika Guillebeaux

For quite some time, society has been telling us women that we could and should be as independent as possible. That we shouldn’t be dependent on another human, whether it is our spouse or fickle friends. However, I have come to find that it is imperative that we reject that notion. God has created us to be relational. Just as there is the perfect balance in the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we are also meant to be in relationship with others. It is an integral part of who we were created to be. For that reason, …


Judger Turned Judged

  When I was a new mom, I wanted to appear to everyone like I had my act together and knew what I was doing. But like any other new mom, I didn’t. One of the ways that I coped with the hypocrisy was by jumping on the bandwagons of other moms I admired. They were who I wanted to be, or at least who I wanted others to think I was. And honestly, by the grace of God, most of the bandwagons I jumped on turned out to be pretty good choices. But the state of my heart was …

Dear friend

Dear friend: a letter for the end of a year

  By now you know I didn’t get Christmas cards sent this year. Though I couldn’t squeeze out the time to get them done, I feel compelled to carve out this time to write you a letter.  A real letter. There’s something I want you to know before tomorrow comes and we stand on the first step of 2014 and wave goodbye to the year that was 2013.  There’s something I need to tell you. I looked back over our Facebook messages to remember that thing you said to me, but I got distracted, scrolling through all the things that …
