Christmas Story Play and Games

Christmas DAY is over and the kids are home. Family is gathered. Your home may be loaded with toys to entertain your children through the holidays. But, if you find that you’re in a bit of a slump and need a few fun ideas to carry you, the kids, and relatives through the holidays, try the following.  1.  CHRISTMAS BINGO Everyone loves bingo and all ages can play. You can make and print your own bingo cards HERE.   I bought a necklace from Dollar Tree and cut the coins to use as bingo markers.            …


What If…

What if: You found out that by staying at home and raising your children, yet accomplishing nothing that can be seen or noted at the time, you found out that the job you did really mattered? What if: By working your job day by day and finding it toilsome, you found out that your simple presence and hard work had greatly impacted another individual? What if: by taking time to patiently listen to the ramblings of an older person, you found that because of that person you became a better person and even used some of the “ramblings” to springboard …
