Amazing, Beautiful & Funny Videos that Will Melt a Momma’s Heart

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that there is a season for everything. I’m glad our seasons include laughing and crying, embracing and refraining from embracing, mourning and dancing. He gives us seasons of joy that counter our seasons of difficulty. Today, we’re going to focus on the season for laughing and the season for embracing as we share 3 videos that will melt your momma heart big time and leave you laughing, as well! ENJOY! And let us know which is your favorite! 😉 A Unique Connection As a unique experiment, Pandora met with 6 moms, blindfolded their children and brought …


Laughter Heals Things

Her smile. I did it to see her smile and it worked. We laughed together and ran – inside the house. And the broken parts mended a bit. Sometimes life raising kids feels heavy. It is a huge responsibility. I am so serious about the principles I want them to learn and the tasks they need to accomplish that I can forget something important. Laughter and joy are just as important to teach as a good work ethic. Let me say that again. Kids need to learn the art of enjoying life, of laughing, of the joy of the Lord …


Do You Laugh With Your Kids?

Samuel, my ten-year-old, came into the kitchen and held out his hand. “Look Mom, I’m double-jointed!” He went on to make motions and wave his fingers around my face in comical ways. I tried hard to keep a straight face, while visions of Spock and Captain Kirk danced in my head. “So, what exactly does that mean, son?” Looking up at me, he stared straight in my eyes and said in all seriousness. “It means that no one can ever break my fingers.” After he left the kitchen, I busted a gut. Now, there’s a difference between laughing at your …


Home – Where Laughter Fills the Air

Have you ever caught yourself telling you children to stop laughing? I remember when my boys were younger that the noise level of the laughter in our home seemed to exceed the sound barrier. Occasionally,  I would have had my hormonal noise level limit and I’d “Shhhhhh” the laughter right out of them. As I look back from an empty nest I can’t help but think I would love to hear those little laughs echoing through my halls once again. Proverbs 17:22 tells us that a cheerful or joyful heart does good like medicine.  Laughter is good for the heart, …
