3 Ways to Pray Consistently

This past Saturday, I had the whole morning to myself. My intent was to write.  I’ve had posts welling up inside of me for weeks and I couldn’t wait to sit at the computer in a quiet house and get those words on the screen. But, God had other plans. He asked me to kneel at his altar and pray. It wasn’t one of those rushed prayers of obligation. No, it was one of those flat on the floor, tears streaming, questions asking, heart-pounding prayers.  It was exhausting, dramatic, and releasing. Have you ever had a moment like that? When …


The Example of a Nursing Mother

1 Thessalonians 2:7 “But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.” There are not many experiences that are sweeter than cradling a tiny baby in your arms and nursing her. This was one of my precious joys of motherhood, and a memory I will always keep. The bond that forms between mother and child while nursing every few hours throughout the day and late night becomes so strong you believe you would do anything to provide for and protect that child. Though not every mother has this opportunity of being …


15 Ways to Break Your Child’s Heart

Working with parents and kids I have seen the little ones (and older kids) totally deflate when mom or dad parents or interacts a particular way.  There are 15 arrows that always pierce the tender hearts of our kids. Let’s put these weapons down.  If you want to break your child’s heart and crush his spirit, do these 15 things:  Do these 15 things if you want to break your child’s heart.@themominitiativ @loriwildenberg #RaisingKids Click To Tweet Discipline in anger. “You are grounded for life.” Criticize rather than correct. “That’s a stupid way to solve that problem.”  Lecture rather than …



“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) Recently I was asked by some moms about how they could make their children become more responsible, more respectful, and more dependable. When my sons were young, I remember that I was always in search of some single earthshaking, monumental solution that would ‘fix’ my kids. Like they promise on those crazy wrinkle cream commercials… just one application and everything would be perfect. Skin care doesn’t work like that. One application is never enough. It’s the daily things …


Is Your Child on Something?

She looks different to you.  Her eyes are glassy. Or is that a twinkle? Giggling, she can’t keep quiet. Gushing all of the great things about him, all conversations now lead to this one subject. If she were back in her light up shoes, the strobe light would be blinding as she twitters around the room. It’s like she’s on something. And she is. It’s infatuation. Although it’s not deadly or illegal, it does give this mama heart cause for concern. It’s a drug that can blind our kids, causing them to miss what is glaring to everyone but them. …


When he walks out and you lose your ability to receive

  The living room twinkled in hues of blue from our eight foot tall white Christmas tree, decked out in blue lights peppered with homemade ornaments. Tori Grace sat at its feet, tucked in between the tree and  fireplace. In all her silly brilliance, I laughed over her funny story when I said, “Baby girl you are so beautiful,” but her response caught my eye. Ever so quickly, she set her jaw and froze over the compliment before smiling and saying, “I don’t like that.” “You don’t like it when mommy says you’re beautiful? What about when I tell you …


We Can Train Them Up But–

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 NKJV Chances are if you’ve been around any mom of faith then you’ve probably rubbed up against this verse a few times. It’s sort of like the parenting “go-to” verse. It’s a great truth that I’ve clung to many times while raising my boys…but, there’s one part of it that I never fully was able to grasp until now. Here’s what I’ve been learning on my twenty first year as a mama bear, we can train up …


The Persecuted Christian Missionary Project

Are you looking for a missionary project to do alongside your children or grandchildren? Click To Tweet  I hope so because here is an excellent one! Plunge with me into the middle of a tremendously dangerous mission field…armed solely with your desire to serve the Lord and serve Christians persecuted for their faith. On our trip we will team up with The Voice of the Martyrs; a Christian organization serving the persecuted Church all around the world.  They provide relief, spiritual support and encourage the families of Christian martyrs. The mission of “The Voice of the Martyrs” is to serve those …


Clearing Out The Clutter

 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace… 1 Corinthians 14:33a NLT If you are like me there are some cabinets or closets in your house that are shoved, jammed, and packed full of “stuff”. So full, in fact, that when you open them you have to be on guard and ready for anything to happen. My tupperware cabinet is like that, you pretty much take your life into your own hands if you want to get in or out of that cabinet.  Right now you’ve already started to think about that cabinet or closet in your …
