Lavish Grace Week 1: The What, When, and Why of Grace

God’s grace doesn’t make sense to me. His grace is radical. Extreme. It even contradicts human logic. For instance, if we work hard, we earn a paycheck. If we drive faster than the speed limit, we often get an expensive ticket. In this world, we usually get what we deserve. But God’s grace is different. We don’t deserve grace, yet God freely pours it out on the undeserving. He even lavishes it on those not looking for it. God’s grace is amazing, powerful, and free. His grace is not simply enough for us. It is abundantly poured out to overflowing. …


Matriarchs: Herodias – The Self-Centered User

MATRIARCHS: Herodias – The Self-Centered User Welcome to Week 12 of MATRIARCHS!   Study God’s Word with us online or use them in your small group or Sunday School class!  Each lesson includes: Teaching video every Monday (15-20 minutes) Short lesson provided as the content of the post In-depth downloadable PDF to deepen your study Worksheets that take you even deeper ALL LESSONS ARE FREE AND YOU CAN MAKE AS MANY COPIES AS YOU’D LIKE! Week 1: Eve – A Mother Like No Other Week 2: Sarah – Mother of Nations Week 3: Rebekah – Mothering Through Barrenness Week 4: Mary – Stubbornly Inflexible or …


No More Perfect Moms Online Study

Do you have the Perfection Infection? Maybe you have it and don’t even realized you’re infected. Let’s go through the check list of questions shall we? My house needs to be clean at all times. My children should be well behaved in public, in the van, and at home. I need to lose at least 10 pounds. My marriage doesn’t compare to Bard and Angelina. If I could just get my kids to behave the way my neighbor does….. If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, chances are you have a case of it. But that’s …
