Gratefulness and Teaching Character

“YUMMM OOOOO EEEEEE UMMMM!” my three kids intoned while rocking side-de-to-side. “YUUUUMMMMM OOOOOOO EEEEEEE UMMMMMM…” It is the song of the porcupine. A song of gratefulness and I smiled… We have been using Character First as part of our homeschooling. It is a fun and easy way to discuss character traits with your kids. This curriculum is not Biblically based, but you can easily add Biblical principles in as you read fun stories, discuss a historical person with the trait, play games, and do fun crafts that help your children understand and develop important character traits.  My kids remember the porcupine periodically …


How to Raise Thankful Kids in a Thankless World

By Guest: LINDSEY BELL I’m sure every parent has been there. You’re watching your child open presents at his birthday party and notice a sack full of clothes from Aunt Nita. You can tell by the look on his face he’s not thrilled with his new gift. You can also tell by the look on Aunt Nita’s face she is.  You hold your breath and wait. Will he thank her anyway, even though he’s not super-thrilled with the clothes?  Raising thankful children is a difficult task, especially in today’s culture where people rarely send thank you cards anymore and are …


Treating the doctor’s office dilemma

Every mom knows the dilemma of being in a quiet waiting room with a not-so-quiet child. While other patients nervously occupy themselves with the latest travel magazines, hoping they’ll be called soon, moms do the doctor’s office dance, trying to get their little ones to act like grown-ups. Waiting rooms host people anxiously anticipating procedures ranging from dental fillings to chemo treatments, immunizations to ultra sounds. What do you do with kiddos when you’re in the doctors’ zone?   Don’t despair. This trauma is treatable. There are more ways to entertain a child while you wait than just plugging them …


The Danger of Not Seeing the Cucumber for the Leaves

  Gently lifting the green leaves, I searched among the vines for a cucumber. Again I was disappointed. My gardening attempts had begun in the spring after enjoying a salad from my sister-in-law’s garden. I had known Loes gardened, but the idea of weeding and watering weren’t my thing. That is, until I ate from her garden and my attitude changed. The Secret Gardener The following day, I decided to try gardening. I didn’t tell Keith. I didn’t tell Loes. I quietly went to the nursery and checked out the plants. Who knew there were so many varieties of tomatoes …


Survival guide for taking kids to restaurants

Kids are not born knowing how to behave in public. In fact, “public” manners vary greatly depending on the culture you’re in and the setting within the culture. When I posted a recent observation on Facebook about a mom wrangling two boys at a coffee shop, it stirred up a flurry of comments. Strong feelings came out from non-kid-toting adults who feel impacted by children in public places like restaurants, church, and stores.  Equally strong feelings came out from moms with fresh memories of the challenges of getting out with children. I sensed both groups asking, “Don’t they get it?” …


QbyUand4U: Movies and Videos + TMI Monday Link-Up!

Hey sweet moms…many of you have been asking questions and we want you to know WE HEAR YOU and WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. Here’s a recent question that was sent to us at The M.O.M. Initiative ~ “When my son goes over to his friend’s house, they let him watch movies I don’t approve of and play video games I don’t like either. I love the parents but I’m how do I tell them that he is not allowed to watch certain shows or play certain games when he’s over there?” Two weeks ago, we looked at some foundational questions …


Giving Thanks A Challenge & The M.O.M. Initiative Monday Link Up!

“. . . give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 My heart felt raw and prickly – as if somehow the circumstances of my life had ripped a layer of skin off my soul and left a raw pulsating mass. It wasn’t one big event, but the bumps and hard knocks of a multitude of tiny things that resulted in one irritated mass in the center of my chest. My refrigerator was on the blink, coursework weighed heavy, and my house was a disaster. I sat in front of …


Part 3: Kids & Cell Phones – the WHAT and WHERE

Part 1: Kids & Cell Phones – the WHY Part 2: Kids & Cell Phones – the WHEN and HOW   Part 3:  Kids & Cell Phones – the WHAT and WHERE Several years ago, during a Faculty-Student Home Worship, I realized that our ten student advisees were not particularly engaged in the discussion my husband was leading. At first, I thought perhaps they were a bit shy, as it was early in the school year and we were all starting to get to know each other. But I found out later where their attention had been: texting their friends …


eBabies + iTeens + YouToo: Kids and Cell Phones – the WHY

         Subscribe today for your FREE copy of… FACING YOUR FEARS – 31 STORIES FROM M.O.M.   eBabies + iTeens + YouToo: Kids and Cell Phones – the WHY I couldn’t wait to see Annemarie’s face as she opened her final 8th grade graduation gift. The video camera was rolling and my husband was strategically positioned to catch close up photos. “You have to guess what it is before you can open it!” I said, handing Annemarie a simple gift bag. When the bag began ringing and vibrating, she almost dropped it in surprise. Shock and comprehension …


Celebrating Besties & Day 8 Giveaways!

Today’s Great Giveaways! Unshakeable Faith By: Kathy Howard Jesus called this ordinary man for an extraordinary purpose. Simon the fisherman would become Peter the Rock. This outspoken Galilean would lead Christ’s church, stand strong in the face of persecution, and even refuse to waver when faced with death. Unshakable Faith is an eight-session Bible study that explores the life and teachings of the Apostle Peter. Participants will be eye witnesses to Peter’s spiritual growth as God strengthens and matures his fragile faith. They will discover eight key “faith traits” God developed in Peter as he followed Christ and learned from …
