American Idol, Hollywood & Why Some Things Should Remain Unsaid

I guess I’m really frustrated that every time I turn on the television I find something that makes me turn it right back off. Commercials and television shows with violence, sex scenes, and inappropriate language seem to have taken over what used to be Prime Time TV. (And HELLO! Families are watching…and that means CHILDREN are being exposed to that!). Is it just me or are there any other mommas frustrated too? Last week was the first time I had watched American Idol in years and I turned it on just in time to see Harry Connick, Jr.’s do something …


Loving the family table

WEEK OF LOVE at The M.O.M. Initiative ~ BUY 1/GET 1 or BUY 1/GIVE 1 Tickets to BETTER TOGETHER  TODAY’s GIVEAWAYS! Mama Needs a Time Out by Heather Riggleman Christian Mama’s Guide to Baby’s First Year by Erin MacPherson ENTER TO WIN by COMMENTING, SHARING this POST through Twitter or Facebook, and get EXTRA BROWNIE POINTS for sharing a BLOG ON YOUR SITE about the CONFERENCE (bloggers are added to our BLOG PARTNER LIST when you email us and let us know when and where to find the post!)  *WINNERS will be announced in SUNDAY’s LIST OF WINNER of our …


Video: M.O.M. Mentor Moment ~ When Your Kids Interrupt You

When is the last time your children interrupted you? Does it drive you crazy? Frustrate you? Do you wonder if there is a way to prevent them from interrupting you? THIS M.O.M. Mentor Moment can help you not only enjoy an uninterrupted conversation, but will also help cultivate character traits like respect and patience while also establishing how much you treasure your children! 🙂   If you can’t view the video in your feeder, please click here. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS YOU DO TO HELP TEACH YORU CHILDREN NOT TO INTERRUPT OTHERS? DO YOU STRUGGLE WITH YOUR KIDS INTERRUPTING? Stephanie …


Get Along Jar: Creative Discipline to Combat Sibling Bickering.

We hear it all. day. long. Bickering and sibling rivalry. In my home, the common offenses include, Mom, she’s looking at me. or  Mom he’s in my room! or  She’s using my tablet! and my favorite He’s breathing on me!!! You can view the video my Nebraska.TV News segment here or read further! Whether you’re a working mom, stay at home mom, a home school mom or run a daycare. This jar will take a load off your shoulders! 🙂 If you’re tired of hearing these comments and playing referee on top of coming up with consequences on the fly–then …


Emotional Roller Coasters: Just Say No

I love roller coasters — the twists, turns, speeds, and loops. My brother loves them too, but we react differently to the ride. I laugh through the whole thing while my brother screams —like a little girl. I got the laughing from my dad…I don’t know where my brother got the screaming. If you listened to my brother as he rides a coaster, you would think he hated roller coasters or was deathly afraid of them. But he assures me he loves them. It is the same with my children. My husband and I take them somewhere to do something …


Discipline and Grace Finding the Balance

“They are so well behaved,” the perky saleswoman nodded at my three children. They are? I just told them to settle down three times. One nearly knocked over a shoe display and… “Thank you,” I smiled and attempted to cool my boiling blood. Where is the balance between first time obedience and grace? How do I decide what to discipline and what to talk about? As moms we are to, “Train a child up a child in the way he should go…” Proverbs 22:6 How do we train children without breaking their souls? How do we speak with kindness, but …


Caught on Camera!

    Albums that chronicle my little family’s life fill the study in our home. Recently, I was pouring over those photos to pick just the right ones to include in a family DVD.  Special memories were triggered by the  moments captured by the camera.   Of course the obligatory birthday party pictures happen to be  included in the Kodak collection. Looking over those pictures gave me a warm, happy feeling…until I came across the infamous  four-year-old birthday party. There were at least a dozen pictures of this event. One of the twelve was a moment I had almost  forgotten; a picture …


10 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Be Thankful During Thanksgiving

I can’t tell you how many times my sweet friend used to say, “Why aren’t my kids thankful?”  Perhaps it’s because THANKFULNESS doesn’t come naturally and children who don’t suffer lack have a hard time understanding the concept of thankfulness.  When our sons were young, we looked for ways to instill a thankful heart and compassion for others. We discovered that when we teach kids to give, they are more aware of the needs of others. And when they are more aware of the needs of others, they are more likely to grasp the concept of thankfulness. Today’s ideas give …


Frozen MOMents

This verse caused me to pause this morning: “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 I began to ponder the moments that have frozen in my mind at some point or another. Often when I do this, I remember slip-ups, mine to others & others to me. Betrayals. Abuses and hurts. I recall missed opportunities–with my husband, my children, my sister, my friends, that one in the grocery store, the …


5 Things One Teacher Hopes Your Child Will Learn This Year

My first quarter grades are due on Wednesday. It’s hard to believe that the school year is already 25% over! As I grade final tests and essays, I’m evaluating how well my students are mastering the reading and writing skills we’ve been practicing in class. But I’m also hoping that they’re learning some less tangible — but far more important — life skills. 1. I hope they learn the value of “down time.” Four years ago, when I asked my seniors how much “quiet time” they have each day — no noise, no motion — they unanimously said, “None!” Life …
