Happy Thanksgiving

We at TMI are so thankful to God for all that He does through this ministry to touch MOMs and their families in the USA and all over the world. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with blessings. A prayer of Thanksgiving: Dear Father God, We are so thankful to you for your love, goodness, kindness, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Help us to remember You more in thanksgiving, not just today, but every single day. We are so thankful for the salvation you have given to us when you gave your son up for our sins. We love …


A Thanksgiving Proclamation

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5:18 NKJV Do we fail God’s will of giving thanks, in every situation? Remember the Grumbly Bunch in the wilderness? “God, why did you bring us out here? To die? In this wilderness? Where are we going? There’s no food. No water. And we hate this manna!” Uh-oh! According to the original Hebrew, Numbers 11:1 (Masoretic Text) tells us the people were evil for complaining and made God’s anger glow. Therefore, He “sent a fire to rage among them, and he destroyed …


When Giving Thanks Hurts

Sometimes life burns. Kids wander, husbands don’t understand, political climate at work is tenuous at best, there are test results that may change the course of your life forever. The unknown future looms large and dark and uncertain. Fear and worry feed on the dark things rolling around in your head. Everything feels hot and heavy and dark. How do we give thanks in the midst of the fire? We look for moments of beauty in the fire and through the fire. We train our eyes to acknowledge the mess and admit we don’t have all the answers, and we …


3 Fun Things to Do with Your Kids This Thanksgiving

It’s the week of Thanksgiving, which means your kids are officially out of school or in their final days before Thanksgiving break. If your family is like mine, you are so ready for some time off from school so you can eat delicious food, catch up with family and friends, and begin your Christmas shopping (and decorating!). While it is easy to fill this week with lots of activities, the thing that I cherish most about Thanksgiving is it can be a time to rest. My favorite part of Thanksgiving is taking a nap after lunch on Thanksgiving Day!!! While …


Faith is Just a Trust Walk with God

I admit it. I have trust issues. When I’m faced with the difficulties of life, the thought have faith runs through my mind. Easier said than done, right? Or what about that sweet well-meaning friend who says in the midst of your struggle, “just have more faith.” That can be frustrating because it seems so simple to them, yet it is not easy for me to WALK OUT. As I was praying the other day, God showed me why I have a hard time with my faith. It’s not that I can’t see the actual physical form of God, it’s …


Meet a Life-Changer

We have some great opportunities coming up in 2017 but in order to step into those opportunities, we need your help. That’s why we’ve launched our first ever crowdfunding campaign so that we can reach moms and the children they are raising around the world and change the world one mom at a time. So, let me introduce you to a sweet world-changing momma today! Meet Ernestine!  Ernestine mentors moms in prison and continues to mentor them when they get out. Ernestine pours into the lives of these precious moms who have struggled with a bad past and a bleak future – and she helps …


How to Teach Gratitude to Our Children

Some things I vowed I’d never say to my children. Like this one. “Don’t waste those waffles, girls. Did you know there are kids starving in Africa??” “What?” My younger daughter, age four at the time, looked up at me and crinkled her nose. “In Africa. And all sort of other places around the world. Even here in our own country! Not all kids get to eat as much as you do.” “But I don’t want waffles! I wanted cereal!” My seven-year-old whined. “Too bad. Eat the waffles. Some children are lucky if they get a bowl of rice—and that’s …


9 Ways to Create a Rebellious Heart in Your Child

Being an uber-controlling parent may give us the illusion that our children are towing the line, but what it actually does is create a rebellious heart in our kids. Here are 9 sure fire ways to create a rebellious heart in your kid: 9 sure fire ways to create a rebellious heart in your kid @themominitiativ @loriwildenberg Click To Tweet 1. Expect perfection: Performance based parenting focuses on the outside notables rather than internal observables. Notice outcomes but focus on developing your child’s character. Rather than only commentating on appearance or performance,”You look so beautiful” say, “Thanks for helping your …

Why gratitude is essential in your life, especially in the hard times - Lindsey Bell and The Mom Inititiave

Why Gratitude is Essential in Your Life

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, many of us are thinking about gratitude. The truth is, though, sometimes, thankfulness can be hard to find…especially during a difficult season of life.  Four years ago, my husband and I experienced our fourth miscarriage 6 days before Thanksgiving. I didn’t even want to go to any family dinners that year, let alone think about things I was grateful for. All I wanted to do that year was wallow in my own sorrow. And, if I’m being completely honest, my feelings didn’t change for quite some time.  I didn’t feel very thankful, so I didn’t want …


A Culture in Crisis, Children in Need, and Moms Who Need Help and Hope

I know you could be busy doing a million things, so THANK YOU for taking a minute to read this and considering the importance of what we are doing and how you can be part! Not long ago, I received a letter from a desperate mom. “Please help! I want to raise my children right but I don’t know what right is or what good mothering looks like. My mom was a drug addict and sold me to men for drug money. I’m scared and don’t know what to do.” A ministry leader in Cameroon, Africa wrote, “The moms here, they carry a …
