Merry Christmas from the MOMs at The MOM Initiative

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I LOVE watching the movie Elf

It’s one of those movies that has given our family an arsenal of cute quotes to draw from at random. 

Quotes like, “Smiling is my favorite!”




And, “There’s room for everyone on the Nice List.”



And I love when Buddy discovers that Santa is coming to the store and shouts, “Santa’s coming! I KNOW him!”



More importantly that a cheesy, cute fairly tell, is the stunning truth that JESUS IS COMING…and I REALLY KNOW HIM! 

How about you?

Because the truth is, there is no Santa. Not anymore.

Yes…I know there was a St. Nick… and from what I’ve read, he had a heart of gold.

But more important than the fairytale that Santa is coming, is the reality that Jesus came and is coming again… and when He came, He changed everything… and when He comes again, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God.

I bow now. I hope you do too!

And the biggest gift and most amazing reality in my life is that I know Him… the One who came to save us from our sins… the One who spoke this world into being… the One who is all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent, and who needs no one or nothing to exist. He didn’t have a beginning and He will never have an end.

He is God.

And I can’t believe that He has given me the unexplainable gift to know Him. To really know Him!

JESUS! His name is Jesus!

He is…

The Savior of the world

The Light of the world

The Lion of Judah

The Redeemer

The Great High Priest

The Great Shepherd

The Great I AM

The Way

The Truth

The Life

The Beginning

The End

The Alpha

The Omega

The Branch

The Bread of Life

The Chief Shepherd

The Cornerstone

The Counselor

The Deliverer

The Desire of Nations

The Door

The Everlasting Father

The Prince of Peace



The King of kings

The Lord of lords

The Lamb of God

The Messiah

The Mighty God

The Rock 

The Resurrection and the Life

The Son of God

The Son of Man

The Advocate

The Amen

Jesus! He is who we really celebrate on December 25th. The One who came as a babe in a manager to save us from our sins.. the One who has no equal, no limitations and no need of anything from anyone.

And I just can’t get over the fact that I KNOW HIM!

Do you?

If you do, I’d love for you to leave a comment and share a bit about how you came to know Him.

If you don’t, you can. There’s room for everyone at the foot of the cross. 

It is beyond my comprehension that the God of creation invites us to enter into an eternal relationship with Him.

If you don’t know Jesus and you’d like to know how you can, please email me at I would love to send you some information about what the Bible says about how you can know Him too!


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Stephanie Shott
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