A Christmas Wish for Christian Moms – Is This YOUR Wish Too?

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“I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth.” 3 John 1:4

It’s the best gift a mom could ever receive… to be able to say  that her children are walking in the truth!

It’s what we long for, what we pray for, what we want more than anything else. But many moms are still waiting. Still praying. Still wearing holes in the carpet by their bedside. Still desperate to see their children become all God created them to be. Still longing to see their children walk in the truth.

Today, would you join me in praying for every child who doesn’t know Jesus.

It would take less than 5 minutes, but could mean an eternity to some precious child.

And if you’re a mom who is longing to see your children walk in the truth, please share their name in the comments and we will pray for them with you.

Because we are moms just like you and we know the best gift a mom can ever receive is to know her children love Jesus and are serving Him.

Stephanie Shott
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