How Do We Learn To Trust God?

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“Popsicle! Popsicle!” Standing at the freezer, determined look in his eyes, he yells this at me, while the popsicle he just finished is still dripping down his face. One was not enough, he needs two. And after that, he may need another. And while you’re at it, why don’t you blow him some bubbles to entertain him while he eats his third popsicle.

This is the life of my soon-to-be two year old, Walt. We lovingly refer to him as “the tyrant”.

But he’s not a tyrant. He’s me. He’s you. He is our selfish nature come to life walking around and demanding things.

Thankfully we grow past two year old demands. Thankfully we learn that popsicles won’t feed us what we need to grow and flourish. We learn these things over time and through loving correction from our parents.

Walt will one day learn that I will not open that freezer and give him a second popsicle no matter how many times he gives me his sad eyes. I am his parent, and I know that what he needs is protein, not corn syrup.

As Walt spends time with me and develops a relationship with me, he will learn that I love him and want what is best for him. He’ll make the connection that because I love him I offer him scrambled eggs instead of a popsicle. And that sometimes I’ll still give him that popsicle as a treat, because I enjoy making his little eyes light up.

But he will only learn that about me, and trust that in me, because he KNOWS me.

If the only time Walt interacted with me is when he came to the freezer and demanded popsicles, then the only side he would ever see of me was my stern face and strict rules.

I have been trying to teach my kids how important it is to spend time in prayer and in the Word for themselves, not just when we have family devotional time. The main point I make (probably a little too much, if you ask them) is that the only way to have a relationship with someone is to actually spend time with them. It’s a good lesson for them, but a reminder for us as well.

When was the last time we spent true quality time with the Lord where we grew to know His heart and trust Him more deeply? This is truly the only way that we will be able to trust his decision making in our lives. Otherwise, we may just see his stern face and strict rules.

In times like this in our culture when everything seems to be up in the air it’s so important to be able to trust the one ultimately in control. Morals are relative to whatever you happen to think, bias against people who happen to have a different color of skin is becoming too acceptable, and our elections are putting people on pedestals who have the kind of character flaws that really should not be allowed to be run a country.

If I’m confused about what’s going on, I KNOW my children are.

The only way through this cultural mess is to be grounded in truth, and to have a deep abiding trust in the one who is ultimately in control. And that only happens with time spent with the Father.

Spend time with the Lord today. Real time. Relationship building time. Not just a quick read through a few verses. Draw close to His heart and he will help you learn to trust His will for your life. And while you’re at it, teach your kids to do the same.

This will truly be the best gift you can ever give them. Infinitely better than that second popsicle.

How do you teach your kids to trust in the Lord?


Stephanie Shott
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