Mom to Mom (The difference between principles & methodology in parenting)

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Being a mom is such a beautiful gift. But it comes with challenges every day.


We struggle with what our children are exposed to in this crazy world, the friends they hang around with, the schools they go to, their education, their temptations, what they watch on TV, the music they listen to…

Moms struggle with finding their way, with comparing themselves among themselves, with trying to be Pinterest perfect mommies with Pinterest perfect homes and Pinterest perfect lives. 

But there are no perfect moms, there are no simple solutions, there are no easy fixes because there are no cookie-cutter children, no cookie-cutter parents, no cookie-cutter families, and no cookie-cutter formulas.

My sons were very different and if you have more than one child, I’m sure your children are very different too. 

The most important thing we can do as IMPERFECT MOMS is seek the PERFECT PARENT for wisdom and spend some serious time in His Word looking for parenting principles that we can apply to our mom life.

Because God’s Word really does have certain principles that work when it comes to parenting our children.

As moms, we need to remember that the BIBLE is the guidebook for life, and that includes parenting.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, 
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16

The Bible gives us specific principles that we all can benefit by understanding. The methods in which we implement those principles will vary from person to person and from family to family.

Principles are general… something we all can and should embrace.

Methodology is individual and subjective, and should be put into place based on each child’s and family’s needs and dynamics.


Principle – HONESTY

Methodology – How you instill honesty in your home and to each of your children in individual ways.

  • Take their toys away when they lie.
  • Put them in timeout when the lie.
  • Have them memorize Scriptures that teach us to be honest.
  • Reward them with a special treat when they tell the truth – especially when it’s hard.
  • Help them understand the consequences of lying.
  • Put them on restriction when the lie.
  • Make them confess their lie to the one they lied to.
  • If they are older, take away their cell phone or deny them the privilege of going off with their friends.

We all should strive to instill character into the hearts of our kids, but the methods in which we do that will look different for every home and for every child.

As we close, remember, you weren’t meant to take this mom journey alone. Surrounding yourself with other women (older and younger) is an important part of walking through the mom life and raising your children the best you can.

Moms, rise up and become the moms God has created you to be. You don’t have to do it alone. Other moms in your church and in your community are there for you.

Lean in to their wisdom. Ask questions. Be willing to be real, share your struggles, and seek help.

Moms… you are heart-molders, culture and world-changers.

Embrace your significance today. What you do matters big time. Remember, the lives you are molding will raise the generation to come.

What do you struggle with today in your mom life?

The Making of a Mom*This post is an excerpt from The Making of a Mom 

Written to moms.
Written for ministry leaders, missionaries and mentors.

Stephanie Shott
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