Teaching Your Child to Hear the Voice of God

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voice of god

Anxious to be independent? I couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel in high-school. Learning to drive meant I no longer had to wait on my parents to take me where I wanted to go. Always in a hurry, not willing to miss a single thing, having keys meant having control.

For most teens, middle school and high school is a time of hormone-crazed emotions mixed with future-impacting decisions. If we haven’t already, these years are a great time to begin helping our kids learn the importance of seeking God’s direction. Even if we ourselves are just learning to consult God with the choices we make, we can learn to take these new steps with our kids!

But, if we throw out quick answers such as ask “Just ask God,” we can leave our children feeling frustrated, fearful and filled with more questions than they had before! We need to do more than throw out pat answers; together, we can help teach our children how to hear from God.

Knowing my desire to be in control as well as becoming a new driver, my mom compared listening to God to driving a car. I listened up, and it helped me to learn to hear His voice. 

You can try this beginning explanation with your child as well. Open the door for a great conversation on your next road trip or errand to the store by using the concepts behind driving. Start a discussion using a simple script:

Heading somewhere new, your eyes naturally dart back and forth as you approach an intersection. Looking for landmarks and street signs as clues you’re heading in the right direction, you proceed forward, all the while glancing up at the light for any changes.

If the light stays green, you keep going. Maybe you even speed up. A yellow light clues you in to cautiously head forward, yet you’re preparing to stop if the light turns red. If the streetlight does turn red, your foot applies pressure to the breaks, bringing your car to a complete stop.

 These steps are a simple way to begin learning to hear from God.

Keeping your eyes and ears open; constantly look for God’s direction. If you’re experiencing His peace and your decision is consistent with His word, keep going! Uneasiness or lack of clarity might be God’s way of saying, “Slow down. Proceed with caution.” If the red light of your heart warns you to stop, you feel uneasy or lack peace; go no further. Wait until you sense the right way to go by searching for direction in God’s word, through the advice of a godly mentor or through an inner peace you recognize as the Holy Spirit.”

While this may seem completely feelings based, this simple illustration can be a beginning to teaching your child how to listen and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Lynn Cowell is the author of Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants. Connect with her more at www.LynnCowell.com.


Lynn Cowell
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