When Your Kids Have Good Ideas…

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It happens in parenthood. Sometimes our kids jog us from our comfort zones, and I don’t know about you, but it always takes me by surprise.

One of the things I wish I’d put into practice more as a younger mom, (and honestly, I’m still learning), is to be quicker to listen and slower to speak when they had ideas.

“Hey mom, you wanna play Barbies with me?” “No, mommy’s doing dishes.”

“Hey mama, let’s go to the park.” “No, I just got out of the shower.”

“I have an idea! Let’s make brownies!” “Not right now, okay? I’m busy.”

“Why don’t we go serve at the food kitchen this Thanksgiving, mom.” “We have other plans, maybe another time.”

Fast-forward now to a college-aged son and two teen daughters. Often, I desire to do things with them and spend more time with them (now that I see how fast it goes), and they are too busy for me. But I’ve learned when the rare moments come, I consider their requests more thoughtfully.

The other day, I was busy trying to update my calendar and answering emails, and honestly just enjoying some rare time at home instead of my mom taxi route…and my athletic runner girl asked me to go work out with her. I’m confessing, I would’ve rather been hit over the head with a frying pan than go work out that day. Every single excuse rolled off my tongue, and I almost lost a God-given opportunity.

I apologized and told her I changed my mind a few minutes later, and it turned out to be not only a bonding time, but good for my mind, body & soul as well.

This is only one example of many, and I’ve seen moms who go completely too far in the other direction, letting their children rule the schedule and the day. In either case, the same principle applies.

Do we take the time to listen and really think through our kids’ questions and requests before we reply?

One of the best responses I’ve learned is to tell them to let me think on something before I answer yes or no. I certainly appreciate when others do that for me. Sometimes an immediate answer is known and warranted, but often it’s not. I guess it’s all about being flexible and intentional at the same time, a balance that’s not easy to find. But isn’t that part of living a surrendered life unto the Lord?

Let’s ask for His wisdom, His direction, His insight, His perspective all throughout the day, Mamas. Sometimes our kids have ideas that fit better into God’s plans for us than our own well-intentioned plans ever could.


Philippians 2:3, NCV

When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves.

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LauraLee Shaw
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