The One Thing You MUST Do This Summer

The One Thing You MUST Do This Summer

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The One Thing You MUST Do This Summer

photo courtesy: unsplash

I love a good to-do list. 

My husband can attest. Scratch that. Anyone who has seen my writing desk can attest to that. There are electronic lists on my computer and phone, as well as hand-written lists on notepads to prove it.  

The only problem with a good to-do list is that sometimes…especially with Type A people like me who LOVE getting things done…the items on a list can take precedence over the people in my home. 

Ugh, I’m cringing as I type.

Nonetheless, it’s the truth, and my guess is, I’m not alone in this struggle. I’m guessing there are others out there who sometimes sacrifice their family’s happiness for their agenda. 

This summer, though, I made a change.

After reading Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford (a book I highly recommend, by the way), I decided to scrap my normal summer plans and go a bit simpler.

This summer, there is only ONE thing on my to-do list.

That one thing? Love the ones I’m with.

That’s it.

If that means we are late to church every single Sunday (so as not to raise my voice at the little ones who don’t understand why we can’t wear pajamas to church), then we will be late.

If that means we don’t enroll our kids in as many activities so we have time to enjoy each other, then that’s what we’ll do. 

If that means we miss some of the summer reading program events at our local library, that’s okay. 

If it means my marketing efforts don’t go as well as I had hoped…or I don’t sell as many books…or write as many blog posts, then I’m willing to sacrifice those things. 

If it means I don’t make it to the gym as often as I would like, then I’ll miss the gym. 

Here’s why…my son will begin kindergarten in the fall. KINDERGARTEN, people! That means I only have 13 summers (give or take a few) left with him. 

I refuse to miss another one because I’m too busy. 

I refuse to allow the urgent to swallow up the things that matter most.

I refuse to allow another moment to pass without treasuring it. 

There’s nothing wrong with a to-do list. (Believe me, I still have lists. This list, though, now takes precedence over all the rest!) And there’s certainly nothing wrong with planning fun activities for your family. 

But if you’re finding yourself overwhelmed, stressed, or disconnected from the very ones you are planning the activities for, maybe it’s time to take some of the things off your to-do list and simplify. 

Because really, there’s only one thing you MUST do this summer: LOVE. 

What about you? Have you ever struggled with your to-do list? 

*Photo courtesy: Unsplash






2014 M.O.M. Conference ~ BETTER TOGETHER

July 31st – August 2nd,

Jacksonville, Florida at Trinity Baptist Church

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Lindsey Bell
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